[color=yellow][h3][center]Lunalel Lightsword[/center][/h3][/color] [color=yellow]"you want to test her?"[/color] Luna asked. [color=yellow]"I mean, I guess it's fine as a warm-up, but if I go all out and use magic it wouldn't be a good test."[/color] Luna had forgotten that Sorcha had been training Maoin to fight, even if just a little. [color=yellow]"So, just fight hand to hand and I think it'll be a good test then. Sorcha has your sword too."[/color] This was quite obviously all planned out. [color=red][h3][center]Eith[/center][/h3][/color] [color=red]"Ahh, wait for me."[/color] Eith said, following the bunny downstairs and finding a spot. It was a quiet morning so far. [color=red]"Lunch sometime?"[/color] The Shellagh had to ask. She was always hungry, so the question should hardly be a surprise. Not too long after the store was opened, however, someone entered through the door. Almost confusedly, the person asked, [color=tan]"Is there anyone here?"[/color] A woman's voice, and one Eith would remember slightly, albeit not fondly. As she rounded Eith looked at her. [color=tan]"Oh, it's you."[/color] It was that woman with the staff the Eith had fought at that temple. Staff-Woman or something of the sort. Eith, of course, could not remember her name even had she wanted to. [color=red]"Yes,it is."[/color] The two would simply stare at each other until Miren interrupted. It wasn't wholly unfriend but more of two rivals trying to size each other up. [color=teal][h3][center]Mugi the Yuki-Onna[/center][/h3][/color] After reading the letter, Mugi couldn't help but walk over and hug the maid quickly. [color=teal]"You're so cute."[/color] She couldn't help but mention it. [color=teal]"Still, I should go out and gather supplies for when I do start to attend classes. It's not until after this festival I've heard about, but who would want to worry about studies when the festival is going on?"[/color] She asked Cynthia. [color=teal]"Do you know any place good?"[/color]