[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/oFbtccM.png[/img][/center] The entire situation did seem shady, and it would have been more surprising had the unlikely guests to the Rivianne Solaire not questioned their new surroundings. How they arrived there was another matter entirely and one they would have to solve themselves. Such was the fate of this dark manor and its hidden mysteries; mysteries that were so great, they were enough to apparently compel those to enter its gates for the sake of answers. While the girl who had addressed them, what looked to be a member of the Rivianne family, continued her greetings, each of the guests began to react to their arrival in unique ways. Some made no attempt to hide the panic that came with awaking in a new place. Yet some could keep calm in these frightening circumstances all the same, though it was doubtful they would trust the girl altogether right away. But of course, what cause was for them to worry? After all, this girl had not outright threatened them and even seemed to be responsible in offering them up food. Surely her hospitality was a testament to her good will and nature. Though of course, that didn’t divulge from the reality of the situation; not one bit. Because, as if to proof real the anxiety upon them all, something shifted in the corner of Arthur’s eye. It was nothing overly disastrous and nothing the others would notice either. The movement was as small as it was slight, and if Arthur chose to investigate the phenomenon, he would find nothing there. Nothing but the far side of the dining room chamber of course, the lush and expensive decorative of the Riviannes on full display. Now what could that be? A trick of the eye? Some sort of shadowy emissary from a world beyond? Or perhaps it was a result from the half-eaten food lying on all their plates. Any of those options were viable in a situation like this, although one thing was for certain. It was certainly wasn’t responsible for the very humanoid hand touching Libeccio’s leg.