Seishu sits quietly, a calm look on his face. However on the inside he begins banging his head against a wall. [i]'He really is the most CLUELESS guy I've ever met. How can a guy like him run an entire realm, I ask you, how!? Then again, I'm not actually completely sure I can help him. I don't absorb his emotions the way I do the others. But, I think if he can direct them to me, we may be able to get SOMEWHERE here. I can see the tangled mess in there now, and he really needs to do something about it'[/i] The silence begins to stretch a bit and Seishu resolves to just flat out smack the guy, verbally if not physically, if he can't figure out what Seishu's offering. [i]'I know why I'm offering, but this feel weird, and if he makes me actually say “Let me help you” I'm going to just barf'[/i] His eyebrow twitches at the thought, but finally the other man's head comes up again. A smile comes to his lips, one that isn't exactly friendly, but it isn't threatening either. [i]'Ah, this is priceless. I can't resist'[/i] With a faint cough, his smile still in place he gives Enasi a rather amused look. “You don't know how? Well now, when you say it like that you make it sound much more intimate than I was thinking. It's almost like you think I was asking for sex.” He's careful to not look mean as he adds, “I was only thinking about having you vent, but if you think sex will help you to channel out all that confusion, frustration,and stress, I suppose we could give it a go.” His tone is completely serious as he keeps his gaze locked on his counterpart. His eyelids drop to half mast and he murmurs half to himself, “I suppose it would be a rather unique experience. . . .” He keeps his gaze steady, not moving a muscle as he waits. ~~~~*~~~~ Down in the barracks Harper paces slowly back and forth in front of the few soldiers involved in the assassination attempt. The rest of the party is locked securely in the jail cells one building over as Lord Enasi instructed, but Harper is determined to find a more fitting punishment for his own men. [i]'I'm sure that being locked away and stripped would be very unpleasant, but these are my men. I trust them to watch my back in battle, to follow my orders. That they did such a thing, knowing very well that it is against out lord's wishes to do so. No, they need something else'[/i] The silence from their commander makes the soldiers more uncomfortable than if he's been yelling at them. Something about the quite sets them on edge, but they refrain from looking to one other, or moving at all for that matter. However, beads of sweat begin appearing on their foreheads and they all mourn internally at their plight. At last he stops, his gaze turns to look from one set of uneasy eyes to the next. He turns, the five soldiers before him seeming to come even more to attention than before. He trails down the line with his sharp glare to the one on the far left. “Mado.” “Sir yes sir!” the dream bear says on reflex. “Mado, do you believe that what you intended to do was right and for the good of the realm?” His voice is cool but open, He want's the dream's honest answer. Mado nods, “Sir, yes sir.” Harper repeats the question down the line, and each soldier gives the same response. The rabbit man lets out a long sigh, a very tired look crossing his features. “You are all fools.” He says softly. His eyes snap up, all signs of tiredness gone from his visage. “I can not have fools in my army. You are all hereby stripped of your titles, ranks, and powers you have earned.” The decision is met with looks of hurt and disbelief. His glare however keeps them all silent. “I will try to rectify my mistake of letting fools into my army be retraining you. The training will be three times as harsh as the first time around,since obviously it wasn't good enough.” A smirk pulls at the corner of his moth, exposing his pearly white front teeth as he adds, “Though, the army is voluntary. If you do not want to undergo the training, you may leave now. However, this will mean that you are unwilling to follow the laws of this realm and you will join the others in the jail until Lord Enasi sees fit to release you. Afterward you will be unable to re-join the army at any time in the future, because I will know from your reluctance I can't trust you.” Returning to his pacing Harper clasps his paws behind his back and continues speaking. “Should you decide to take up the training, know that along with being much more difficult, there will be extra training. It will be hard, fierce, and most of all, educational. I may even ask Seishu for some pointers, since his army seems to be for better trained than my own.” He recalls vividly how with just simple hand motions how the Guardian's second held complete control over his team. [i]'Perhaps I should ask Lord Enasi is I can make a team like that. It would mean less work for me in the long run'[/i] Stopping once again he turns to those assembled and barks, “So, what is it going to be? Who will step up and pull their heads out of their backsides?”