[color=aba000][h3][center]~Sorcha~[/center][/h3][/color] Sorcha grinned, walking up behind the kitten and speaking quietly. [color=aba000]"Little one,"[/color] She said in a reassuring tone. [color=aba000]"Don't try and think about it too much, okay? You were trained by a dragon - dragons don't just teach anyone, you know. Be more confident in yourself. You can hold your own against me, even if I'm not being a hundred percent serious in our training duels. I don't expect you to win against a trained Knight, Maoin."[/color] She gave her a pat on the head. [color=aba000]"So don't hesitate - that is the easiest way to lose in any confrontation. I will be proud of you regardless, Little one.[/color] With that said, she gave Maoin a firm pat on the shoulder before walking some distance away. [color=black][h3][center]~Fox~[/center][/h3][/color] [color=black]"Oh,"[/color] The fox replied, one of her ears twitching irritably. That was untrue as untrue could be. Unfortunately for Sel, that would work to her advantage. She was playing dumb here, after all - so she couldn't just admit to knowing that. Besides, who knew? It might be funny...or alternatively, with a headache. Likely the latter, knowing this insufferable mage, but she'd at least see where it went for now. [color=black]"I see. That is...quite the interesting class. What are they teaching here, hm? How to make your familiars more subservient so you can do whatever you want with them? How incredibly cruel."[/color] She scoffed. [color=black]"I suppose it would be entertaining to watch the other familiars squirm, though."[/color] She chuckled. [color=black]"I suppose I shall accompany you, then."[/color] She gave Sel a glare as she continued. [color=black]"But if you try anything funny, I will be sending you on a one-way trip to Yomi with the most painful death curse I can possibly imagine."[/color] [b][h3][center]~Cynthia~[/center][/h3][/b] For supplies? Ignoring the blush across her face at being called cute, Cynthia ran through a mental checklist of all the stores in the city - yes she knew every single one, where it was located, the shortest path to get there, and the best prices to buy something at which store. She didn't know what classes Mugi would be attending exactly...so she should probably ask. [b]"What classes?"[/b] She asked the Yuki-Onna. Hopefully she actually talked about that with Livia instead of just letting the headmistress handle all of the paperwork herself. Sappho didn't exactly have a set curriculum for its students, after all. The students picked which classes they wanted to attend, and then attended them and hopefully did well. ....actually, knowing Mugi and the headmistress, the headmistress didn't talk about that with Mugi at all. [b]"...did you talk with the headmistress about them?"[/b] [color=6ecff6][h3][center]~Miren~[/center][/h3][/color] Ah! A customer!~ Miren bounced over to where Eith and Kozue had met. Upon hopping over though, the rabbit paused as a clearly threatening and oppressive aura washed over the area. [color=6ecff6]"E-eh?..."[/color] What was with this threatening atmosphere? Oh dear oh dear...her bunny instincts were telling her to get lost and vacate the premises, find the deepest hole to find and stay there until whatever this was, was over with. Still, this was her store and she had a job to do! She couldn't let bad customer service get the best of her! She wouldn't allow it. So the rabbit swallowed her fear, and tried speaking. Key word, try. [color=6ecff6]"E-erm...H-hello! Y-yes, someone is h-here! M-meaning, erm, me, the owner, heh, but you probably knew that, erm..."[/color] Okay Miren deep breath. She inhaled, followed by exhaling. [color=6ecff6]"E-eith...i-is this a friend of yours?"[/color] Please say yes and say this overly tension filled atmosphere was just her imagination.