[h3]Current Male and Female Ratio[/h3] [center][h2][color=ed1c24]12[/color]:[color=39b54a]10[/color][/h2][/center] [h3]Elements[/h3] [center]Air: 2 | Earth (Flora): 2 | Light: 3 | Lightning: 4 | Water: 3 | Fire: 3 | Earth: 3 | Earth (Fauna): 2[/center] [@Mistress Dizzy][@Sterling][@Knight of Doom][@deyinger][@Emma][@Fisticuffs][@BlueAjah][@Juno][@Panic][@Sisyphus][@Snagglepuss89][@Not Fishing][@Dioxide][@Ever][@Tackytaff][@Thorn][@PhunkyPhoebe][@CollectorOfMyst] (A few of these people won't get a ping because you can only mention so many people before it just doesn't ping the rest) I tagged everyone just because I wanted to share what my opening post for Boen is going to be in the case anyone might want to collaborate or think they'd respond to it on the second round. Boen is going to be arriving in the bustling city with the merchant, Sym Alein. Sym Alein is the man he was paid to protect. While the merchant opens shop, he notices that his shop isn't attracting much business because he has this ominous bodyguard standing by it. Frustrated, he asks Boen to leave and Boen asks for the rest of his pay since their agreement was he'd get paid the first half in Tradewind and the second half once he got the man where he wanted to go, the Royal City. Taking his hard-earned gold, he figures it's about time he put his feet up. He goes to the nearest tavern for some food. Also, I mention that Boen has been traveling for a long time and so he hasn't shaved or bathed. He was traveling from Tradewind to the Royal City as you can see on the map that may be at least a 2 weeks journey on foot (while Mr. Alein was in horse-drawn wagon). So yeah, he probably has some musk and he has a full beard on his face. Thus the money to afford some luxuries such as a hot meal, drink, and a bath. Unfortunately, while he is destroying several bowls of bread and stew. The wench of the tavern has caught the eye of many ruffians, but she has an eye for Boen because he's not from around here. One of the ruffians, a jealous man, sees the eyes she's giving Boen and is immediately jealous. He clearly tries to pick a fight with the sellsword, being obnoxious by saying loudly how he's not from around here and how he might be a Galinese dog blah, blah. Boen being a master of "give no fucks" just gives him the cold shoulder, and its all fine and dandy until the dude lays a hand on Boen's shoulder. Welp, the minstrels in the tavern decide to pick up their jolly tune because a mass fight breaks out in the tavern as norm. It only became a mass fight because you know, it starts as a fight between two individuals and then those types who just love a fight got to punch the nearest guy in the face to join in. Yep, chaos.