Izzy did her best to keep her face innocent beneath Trevor’s gaze, while her insides squirmed. He was smart, and she was sure he could see right through her. She shrugged at his question, biding her time for a short second. If she brought him in on her odd encounter, there was the chance, as slim as it may be, that it could spread. Even the faintest whispered rumor tended to catch hold and explode, no matter how softly it was first spoken. Especially in halls filled with teenagers itching for gossip. And if it was something that could potentially escalate and spark Trevor’s dark subconscious again… No. She would find out more about it, see if she could catch Riley at the abandoned school tonight and ask him, before potentially endangering anyone else. “He just doesn’t seem like he’s doing so well. I overheard Mrs. Young talking to him about his grades slipping, and he’s been absent more than usual,” she fibbed. A guilty knot at lying to her friend formed in her stomach, especially after everything they had been through together, but, she tried to convince herself, it was for the best.