[color=blue]"The internet connection here shouldn't be a problem. I don't know why you didn't file a compliment when yours didn't work out in the middle of no where. They're suppose to make sure that you have everything you need in order to live a comfortable live and be able to return to society easily."[/color]Roxy shook her head. She had only heard a little about the program set up to care for empaths while they waited for an anchor. She worried that Jess hadn't been able to stand up for herself with the people who were suppose to see to her needs she wouldn't be strong enough to survive the world she was currently in. [color=blue]"What kind of skills do you have? If your any good with math I guess you could start by working at the desk downstairs. You could ring people up and do you class stuff."[/color] She sucked at math. Her organization skills didn't extend to paperwork. She was able to keep the doors open mostly by luck a very few costs.