Billy rolled his eyes. He thought to himself. "As long as they do it in the base. Less chance of a razor sharp staff to the face." He unintentionally flashed back to when he was still young and strong, when he was a Power Ranger. Jason was their original Red Ranger. He did one those stupid roll calls and the monster attacked before he could finish or react. As fate would have it, Jason's replacement would become his husband. Wes, really didn't want this Danny guy on the team. Wes contacted Danny by the helmet's communication system. "You were a Power Ranger once before. It should be obvious kill the bad guys and save the innocent, rinse and repeat until there is no more innocents needing to be saved and no more bad guys to kill." Wes had taken a sniping position, and was picking off targets. "When you need a weapon the hud will show you how." Tom was using a combo attack of shooting his morpher and slashing with his sword. Tom really liked his new powers, they made him feel more alive than ever. The Magna Defender almost took a sword to the back while fighting off three of the foot soldiers at once. Tom shot the sword hand of the dishonorable fool. "Not today fiend." Billy came over the helmet communication system. "Ff you manage to severe any body parts bring them back so I can study them. Preferably from multiple different specimens."