[h3]Shannon[/h3] Shanon launched herself forward like a wrecking ball bowling through the tables and chairs towards Hirshe and the red smoke that burned the back of her throat. Throwing all her weight behind her charge Shannon collided with Vaughter and Hirshe like a ton of bricks hoping to push Hirshe to the ground, and rip Vaughter away. Standing over Hirshe she reared up, not having enough space to jump, and brought her fists down heavily upon his chest with a dull thud against the armour. She reared up ready to strike downwards again and again. [h3]Charles[/h3] As he chewed upon the unsavoury ball the curtains of fog lifted in Charles mind, his thoughts kicked into high gear. “There’s been a hull breach! Wait, no.” His hands flew to his ears. “No there hasn’t been one; my ears haven’t popped.” He dashed to the door and opened it easily. “Doors aren’t locked either so the lock-down cycle didn’t complete. Might mean someone’s gotten into our systems.”