[center][h2][color=lightgreen]Luci[/color][/h2][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] To think a slime would ever have reason to fear tendrils, yet it was all Luci could do to keep from collapsing into a puddle in the face of blue woman. [color=deepskyblue]"What?!"[/color] Cried the phantasm in alarm as she was assailed without warning, and a holy blade thrust through her mass just as a felt puppet tackled away the Princess of Hell away from her immediate grasp. Seier passed through her without resistance, slime molding around the blade without any indication it had an effect on the physical or spiritual level. Hibiki's rounds, however, proved only marginally more effective when the slime discarded the tiniest portion of her mass, casting off the nanites off in a baseball sized glob splattered on the wall. The princess looked down with wide eyes to see that she'd been saved by what was ironically the most likely Demon to rush towards a child's aid, all things considered. Clasping both arms tightly around his free one, she shook her head vigorously in the negative before looking back to her attacker. [color=deepskyblue]"Do you know what you protect?"[/color] Selene roared, looming over the sword wielding Machina yet made no effort to strike with anything but her tongue. [color=deepskyblue]"That creature was molded by hands of Hell's monarch, a murderer without remorse or redemption, all perpetrated with a body not her own." "That belonged to me, you petty facade, and I shall have it back to end the madness of the Black Goat." [/color] An aura of blinding radiance came from Selene, suffusing the Twins with the warmth of holy rejuvenation well in excess of any they'd have been confronted with before. It instilled peace, tranquility, and the sluggishness of bliss that the slime hoped would hinder them from intervening further when she slid around Shizuka and stalked towards Frog and Luci. The Demon would be finding this saintly healing rather enema to it's existence. [color=lightgreen]"You're wrong. It's not yours, not anymore!"[/color] Luci shouted back, clutching the felt puppet tightly as she shrank upon herself quite literally till she was but Frog's size staring down a giant in Selene. [color=lightgreen]"Momma showed you that, and that's why I'm here. There are no second chances for you, not while I'm around."[/color] If Selene had possesed veins they would have bulged in frustration with the child, a lapse of concentration dimming her aura as she raised an open hand to reprimand Luci. [color=deepskyblue]"On that we can agree."[/color] [center][@Banana][@Ryonara][/center] [hr] [center][h2][color=orangered]Suparna Wolgen[/color][/h2][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] They stirred with the marching of angels, roused from the maelstrom of slumber with the clambering of cloven hoof and infernal claw. Countless minds joined between two vessels, striving for a singular goal. A goal forgotten amidst the thieving stones of Oblivion, mercilessly clawing at the collective of maggots writhing in their shells. Rising them the heaps they'd made upon the halls as though drawn up on strings, their every motion encumbered by wetness running from head to toe and leaving drops of scarlet scattered with every motion. What scraps of cloth and chips of bone they'd left spoke of a meal picked clean by carrion, yet they found their hunger was only a means, not an end. They didn't exist [i]to eat[/i], but ate [i]to exist.[/i] A distinction formed within the walls that left them dejected without purpose, as shallow as it may have been. As though by some pavlovian response they found their head's tilted upwards when thoughts of ambition brewed. Did they wish to escape? Certainly, but that couldn't have been their goal in life before they came here. It had to be something else... Dripping as though with a fresh coat of paint, the two shells joined together and created the visage of a [url=http://imgur.com/tXUGU33]daunting phantom[/url] cobbled from those they'd consumed, yet even this unity felt wrong in a sense, a far cry from what their Garuda form should have resembled and left them to shudder at the hollowness of it all. With a beat of their wings they shot down the halls, twisting and turning around the sharp corners with a saddening ease of familiarity amidst the dead, still air of Oblivion. Only, the air wasn't lifeless anymore. They noted a fine aroma of roses, familiar yet eluding the grasp of frayed memory like all the rest. And further beneath that came something which didn't escape. A remnant buried deep, so very deep into the collective. [center][b][color=orangered][i]Rise up![/i][/color][/b][/center] [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/8DYQakUJ_sw[/youtube][/center] A flash of life gleamed through the phantasm's mask and it rocketed it forward with more vigor then the crude shell could take. Tears open at the seams and glimpses of animation could be glimpsed through the undulation of writhing carrion within, yet they cared not. They had smelled the fresh air and it had called to them, serenaded them all with the sweetest of promises, and even if it were all but another illusion then they'd only have to fall back upon the pursuit once again. For now they flew, only to bank a corner and find their path obstructed by by the backs of a knight borne from Hell's buxom and a young girl of bizarrely cheery disposition. They cared not to feast, only to rise, and with a shriek they charged forward to bowl over the two in her pursuit. [center][@thewizardguy][@KoL][/center]