Natalia stretched her limbs as she went around her apartment flat. Beige walls surrounded her, decorated with many obscure paintings. These were the ones made by the homeless men out there. Or well, she didn't know if they were just selling it for someone but they were on the streets so she felt the want to buy from them. They looked nice anyway. The sofa faced the currently closed TV with a table in the middle which held some small decorations. There were more rooms but they were of no real interest aside from the kitchen. Compared to before, this was modest living. With her parents' fortune and her own earnings back at JPN-22, she lived like a King. Though, she got used to this kind of living. It was fun and interesting. There was never a dull day with her mercenary jobs. She opened her radio and then her TV before sinking onto the sofa. The news anchorman began going on about 17DEM's armed resistance and how it killed innocent civilians in a rally. However, the pirate radio station The Locker, one of her personal favorites, said it the other way. However, it was obvious that people were getting hurt because of the two factions - either or, there are people in danger. But the red haired female didn't really care. Why would she? It wasn't like she was getting anything from those civilians. It wasn't her job to help them. She took hold of her remote when [i]that[/i] phone rang. One. Two. Silence followed. With a sigh, she stood up and headed to the room on the farthest right. She opened the door and then opened a wardrobe. She placed her hand on the wall - a hidden scanner - and it flipped to reveal her armor. She swiftly put everything on before finalizing with the mask. Honestly, she looked like a guy in this get up. Good enough for her. She then collected her weaponry. Natalia opened a window and then stepped outside, to the fire escape route. She closed the window discreetly before grabbing hold of the ladder and sliding all the way down. Dusting herself off after she landed, she stuck to the shadows and headed to a hidden payphone in a back alley. She looked at the phone before dialing it on the payphone. It rang thrice before someone picked up. "Robin Hood?" [color=00a651]"That's me."[/color] Her voice became distorted, sounding more like a young man. [color=00a651]"What do you need happening?"[/color] Somewhere down the road, she expanded to doing mercenary work. That was fine with her as well. After all, she was still earning money. She leaned on the wall next to her as the client spoke. "You might have heard of the happenings in DST-07." Who hasn't? She wanted to reply but simply kept her mouth shut to let the client to continue speaking. "Now in one of the sub districts on lockdown, there are some VIPs for our organization in there. It's dangerous, since the government's responding with force. I want you to help them to get out." The line went quiet as he waited for her response. A breakout huh? Should be easy enough by using the rally as cover. In fact, the police force would be stretched too thin to notice a few slipping away. She opened the map in her phone and looked at DST-07's general layout. [color=00a651]"Where are these VIPs located? Just tell me what sub district."[/color] She replied and the man happily relayed to her their positions. She marked them on the map. [color=00a651]"And my payment?"[/color] This was the important part of the deal after all. It would be a no go if they expected her to do it without any sort of payment. What? Did they think they were that lucky? "Of course. We'll drop it off at any location. Just send it to us." He replied. Satisfied, Natalia agreed to the terms and hung up. It didn't take very long so only a few would have been able to trace that. If they did, well, all the more fun. She'd have a challenge on her hands. She headed over to the garage and then grabbed a motorcycle. It wasn't hers. It was a friend's. But she had the keys... heh. She started the engine before launching off into the streets with her destination at DST-07. This would be fun. Aw, she could have used this opportunity to steal something. Again, with the police force stretched thin because of these riots, she could use that confusion to her advantage and take things she wanted. But not now, she was on a job after all.