[I actually wasn't sure which perspective I should use, but First person just seemed to click as naturally fitting for the setting.] [color=662d91][center][h1]Indigo Ventreyas[/h1][/center][/color] It was a little surreal... I 'think' I'm using that word right anyway... Waking up after such a catastrophe. It felt like any other day I woke up after a hell of a party, mild hangover, that's a headache turned up to 11 by the way, Body aching head to toe, serious case of cotton mouth going on. The stink of smoke was new... Well, uncommon at least. Movement was also horribly stiff... though that strange rumbling sound and the oddest little gurgle were also weird...... I swear to god, if some party-boy choked a hooker and left her in my room again I'm going to kill the bastard this time. ... Then it came back to me like a Truck and I lurched up in my bed... Correction, I failed to lurch up, instead cricking my spine because of this weird stiffness, and flopped back down to knock my head on the hard-wood floor, calling forth a string of pissed off curses. It really fucking hurt and I suddenly felt the overwhelming urge to hurt something to relieve my own pain. Luckily I'm a little more logical than your average ganger and 'stayed' laying there, instead moving just my head to try and discern what had happened after... after 'that', I didn't want to think about it right now, I was pretty sure I'd freak out if I did, and freaking out never did me any good, I was better trained than that, Infiltrator's don't freak out, EVER! It gets them killed! First, Analysis! I was currently laid on my back, it felt like there was something sticking out of my back that made laying there uncomfortable, though it didn't seem to really 'hurt' as long as I stayed still, so either it 'wasn't' an impaled foreign object, or It was and my nerves were just shut down from the intensity of the pain and how much of a wuss I was... I chose to go with the latter as the greater possibility. I also felt incredibly stiff, only my artificial arm was moving in ways I wanted it too... which probably meant I was flailing comically to anyone else... A little thought test brought up my Holo-screen without difficulty, a couple more tests showed that it was working just fine, so I put that away and moved on... It seemed like only my fleshy bits were malfunctioning, how Ironic! Now I turned my head to the right and... Oh, there was that strange gurgling sound, and god damn if it didn't freak me right the fuck out! It was one of my body guards gurgling... gurgling because he looked like his fleshy parts had tried to grow their way out of his augmentations, including the cranial armor that ensured he couldn't just be shot in the head... I don't believe I've ever seen a more horrifying sight, blood and... other fluids where pooling in place and some kind of non-technological sparking was shooting off of him in different spots. I was tunneled in on his eyes though, on that horrified pleading look of his, I couldn't imagine still being alive in that state and I found myself instinctively trying damn hard to reach my right arm over there to put him out of his misery... Luckily someone else got to it first, because there was noway I could reach that far. Instead I shoved myself over to look away just as I heard the shot, Hand flying up to grip my head tightly as I tried desperately to process what I'd just seem without falling apart... Infiltrators don't fall apart, no matter how fucked up things get, cause you never know what you're going to find in the depths of a Corporate research hole... I had seen some fucked up shit in my time, but this... Well, it takes on a whole different light when it's someone you'd consider a friend going through it instead of some poor already fucked stranger. Something suddenly touched my shoulder and I flinched, suddenly glancing up between those metal fingers at... "What the fuck?" "Come on Boss, we can't stick around here, It won't be safe for very long." ..."Wha?" Was all I could manage... Staring back at me was some kind of wierd... pony, thing... I recognized the suit, it was another one of my bodyguards, one of the few who hadn't needed nor resorted to augmentation outside of the Holo-PC and Comm Suite. I knew this particular one well because he was my 'left hand' so to speak... My right one had just been put down... I could only recognize him by the buttons of that suit, oddly stretched or torn as it was, he was the one with the 'B.P.' initial buttons. Everything else made no sense to my poor brain at the time, cause I was staring at an, admittedly still very large and muscular, pink pony thing with a perfectly straight hot-pink mane, and pink as fuck eyes... He noticed that I noticed, and a familiar grimace appeared even on that 'adorable' muzzle followed by a familiar sigh of exasperation as I snorted sharply and added "Heheh... So now I can 'really' call you 'Big Pink' huh?" I couldn't quite flail in childish laughter like I'd intended, but I still managed a trembling snicker. He put on a once more familiar dead-pan glare as he spoke "No, you can't... but you will anyway, because you're still you..." Followed by a slight smirk "At least your sense of humor is surviving... Heh... Purple Bat Horse." I froze instantly... oh no, please tell me that joke wasn't as accurate as the one I'd just made for him... I couldn't hope for such though, he was always about as witty as I was, give or take a little, and as I finally looked down 'myself' I unleashed the purest more cliched 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' that I could manage... It felt good, very good, to do so, because the cliche stupidity helped distract me from the disturbing sight of horse legs replacing all of my flesh and blood limbs long enough to at least 'start' coping with it... which was remarkably fast solely due to training and experience, and with that started I looked further and noticed the presence of wings, Bigass leathery bat wings with one bigass 'clawfinger' at it's edge, and with a half-layer of feathers that matched the color of this new fur I had, which was some kind of very dark gray with a purple tint to it... And the 'hair' was a perfect shade of Indigo fitting my name "Great... so the Apocalypse has a sense of humor does it? I mean, I know we've made jokes about 'Purple Bat man' here and there, but really?! And where does the 'horse' bit come from? Did it just want to turn me into 'something' and had nothing better?" I stopped suddenly, snapped my head up, and stared into space for a moment... "Actually, no, thank you apocalypse, there are much worse things I could have been turned into, I'll just be glad that I'm alive!" I really didn't want to jinx Myself... [hider=wing design] Just the wing design, but those legs are too skinny XD [hider=image] [img]https://derpicdn.net/img/2016/10/31/1285846/large.jpeg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] He just shrugged off my ranting and kept that smarmy little grin of his that says he knows he one upped me for once. "Dunno, maybe... sure as hell looked like it. But we're alive, and as funny as this is, Shit's still exploding out there. I only found a couple of survivors among the staff so far, your butler for one, and one of the rookie's that was recently hired. they're both going around checking for more survivors... or, for more cases that require a little 'mercy'... I found a dozen of them before I came back here to check on you... I think Redman dragged you inside before the Debris wave got too thick to breath and this freaky shit started"... Why did all of my bodyguard have color puns in their names again?... Nevermind, not relevant. Being reminded of this was a considerably sobering moment that lead to me staring at the glass wall of my balcony door's... and the pure brown air I saw beyond it... I couldn't fathom how the glass hadn't shattered... oh wait, High quality combat ready glass panes. "Right... No bemoaning my misfortune in living as a horse thing when I've already seen the alternative... Help me stand up?" I made what I thought was an adorably pouty face... but judging by the snort of laughter he made It just ended up looking really gay. "What? I need to figure out how to walk without breaking my face so we can travel without me tripping allover my fucking 'Horse legs!' and slowing us down! Yes, I 'do' realize we can't stay here for any longer than necessary because we're in prime 'Rape and pillage' territory once people have been given time to organize." ... He only rolled his eyes and gave me this look that told me he would bed taking great pleasure in me inevitably smashing my face into the floor... Why couldn't the apocalypse just up and install 'How to Horse Walk 101' in my head?