[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/10ZwtN7.jpg[/img][/center] Sel gave the fox an apologetic look. [color=gray]"Well you see, it involves theories regarding the relationship of the appearance a familiar wears and the possibility they weaken or strengthen the bond."[/color] The mage looked down towards the ground. [color=gray]"I know it's a lot to ask for Sly, but could you turn into a cat maid again? It's extremely valuable for this project, considering that your appearance changes are more effective than most ... come on Sly, no one will even know it is you!"[/color] Selvina pleaded a little bit at this point. Of course, she knew that the fox knew that this was utter garbage. But the fox wouldn't be able to go back on her prior statements about class. And besides, she had been woken up early. The fox deserved this, since she hadn't seemed to do this aside from any other reason but being rude. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KDNoPCb.jpg[/img][/center] Maoin felt herself seize up as Luna wanted to continue the duel, but her head turned slightly as she heard Lady Sorcha move closer behind her and spoke. She HAD been trained by a dragon, hadn't she? Maybe she wasn't the best student but ... the kitten felt a little weight leave her shoulders as the pettings followed for a couple of seconds. The dragon had reasonable expectations and hadn't abandoned her for what she'd done so far - it was unlikely she would suddenly change her mind. The lack of magic in the fight also helped her calm down, and Luna would begin to see the cat moving in a wide circle around her as it was obvious she was ready to begin this fight, short sword held out and ready as she gave a more controlled nod towards her opponent as a serious look crossed her face. She'd at least try to earn that pride and be a good kitten. If she lost she'd just treat Lady Sorcha to a massage as an apology, wouldn't she? Lady Sorcha would at least feel relaxed then.