[hr][hr][center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170709/67e3e34f71e423283f9bc43487bf3fdb.png[/img][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170623/3903fb0e1b9d54fc331e799e3d01fac1.png[/img][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170709/c4daeb50c23e10f41a9a6d55b18bb595.png[/img] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/zW2hUfF55gMdG/giphy.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] [I]Twelve Daggers[/I] Tavern - Port of Tortuga [b]Mood Music:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2oPoTNt2Hw]"Bad Company" by Five Finger Death Punch[/url] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170709/f4004777a8e26e1ae79c02fbe63648fb.png[/img] [/center][hr][hr] Sirena's lips pulled up into a genuinely pleased smile as Édouard's men reacted more positively from the get-go than she had initially anticipated. It was clear to her that they were desperate for a new captain, as surprisingly none of them seemed greatly opposed to working for a woman. There were even some nods and murmurs of agreement amongst them. Yet they still did not give her a direct yes or no. Something, [I]or someone[/I], seemed to be holding them back. When their heads turned in unison, her brows furrowed slightly and her blue eyes followed their gazes to the source. That's when she noticed the man sitting not too far off from them, his feet propped up on the table in front of him and his face hidden partially in shadows. His mug of rum was rested on the table, and from what she could tell, his gaze was intently on them. Edgard had been watching all the happenings in the tavern with great interest from his reclined position. He had long since forgotten about his rum, the alcohol not nearly as intriguing as all the drama that had been brewing since Mademoiselle Ikaria had stepped foot in the door. He was unsure as whether to consider her brave or too foolish for her own good. She certainly knew how to scrounge up information and wrap men around her fingers. However, in the process she inadvertently provided her competition with useful knowledge about the flask's power. Not that Édouard was bright enough to realize that, but as Éd's quartermaster, Edgard could put the information to use. Regardless of her slip-up, weak was still not a word that he would use to describe Mademoiselle Ikaria, which was a good thing, for her own sake. He despised anything and anyone he deemed as weak, and he wished to purge that weakness from these lands with blood and fire. But when Sirena had the gall to try to tempt Édouard's men into abandoning their ship and pledge allegiance to Captain Harlianne James, she was treading in dangerous waters and she did not even know it. His jaw clenched, and there was a dark intensity to his deep blue eyes as he waited to see how the men would react to her proposal. His hands clenched into fists when he saw them nodding and murmuring in agreement; however, his darkening mood was abated for the moment when the men looked expectantly to him. A devious grin lit up his features, his ego sufficiently fueled by their actions. He slid his feet off of the table and stood up to his full 6'1" height before striding over to them. [color=B22222]"Superb job, Mademoiselle. You just about got them wrapped around your finger,"[/color] he exclaimed mockingly, even clapping to add to the derision. As he stopped in front of her though, his features hardened and his voice became cold. [color=B22222]"However, you forgot to factor in one thing: [I]me, the quartermaster[/I]."[/color] As the man's dark gaze came into the light, Sirena knew right away that he was not at all like the others. This man was dangerous. But that realization did not frighten her as she had dealt with plenty of powerful men in her lifetime. All it meant was that she would have to play her cards more carefully for now on. She raised her chin up confidently. She did not take kindly to the way he mocked her, and she had to focus harder on keep her indignation from showing on her face. As the man drew near, she found that she had to look up higher and higher to meet his eyes. He towered over her much shorter height, and he appeared as if he could easily crush her petite frame with his muscular arms. She maintained eye contact with him even as his demeanor became more threatening. [color=66CDAA]"The offer stands for you as well, sir,"[/color] she stated as alluringly as she could manage as she smiled up at him. Sirena's statement and attempt to woo him actually made him laugh. And it wasn't a small laugh. No, he laughed at her heartily. [color=B22222]"Tempting, really, but [I]no[/I]."[/color] he replied, his voice amused at first before quickly darkening. Sirena's expression faltered when the man began to laugh her face. How dare he treat her in such a manner. But as much as she wanted to give the man a piece of her mind, she bit her tongue. She was caught a bit off guard as the man suddenly bent down and put his face inches away from hers. She fought the urge to take a step back so he was no longer in her personal space, but she stubbornly did not want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he was making her uncomfortable. [color=B22222]"The only way these men are abandoning the ship is through death,"[/color] he hissed. His gaze remained intense as he held that position for a few seconds longer before retreating. He righted himself again and turned to directly address the men. [color=B22222]"Quittez le navire si vous le souhaitez, mais permettez-moi de vous rappeler ce que je fais aux traîtres. Je les tue [I]lentement[/I] et [I]douloureusement[/I],"[/color] he exclaimed threateningly. He was curious to see if they heeded his warning. If not? Well, as far as he was concerned, any man foolish enough to betray him was a dead man walking.