[hider=Galiena] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/83faa485-737f-4eb2-a931-23c9e38d00fc.jpg[/img] [/hider] Galiena was brooding over her pint of Honeybrew Ale, contemplating her recent failure to recover the enchanted emerald Dravis had sent her in search of. Each avenue she had thus far attempted was a dead end. And now she was out of leads, procrastinating on the inevitable trek back to the temple to inform the cleric order of her failures. Lost her own thoughts, she almost missed the conversation going on at the next table. But she managed to catch the last exchange between the men and the barmaid. The young woman took another sip of her ale as she considered this information. Pendril the Darkheart.... the name rang a bell, perhaps she had read about him in a history book, but she couldn't quite place it. Either way, if there were artifacts involved, maybe she didn't have to return completely empty handed... "Gentlemen," she said, standing to approach their table, "pardon the intrusion, but I could not help but overhear of your plight. May I offer my assistance?" She held up a hand to stave off the expected out-of-hand rejection until she had at least finished her introduction. "My name is Galiena, an Adept of the 4th Clerical Order in Ashdown. It is in the Orders best interest to ensure safe recovery of artifacts of historical or magical significance."