[@6slyboy6] I appreciate the complements, and wanted to mention that all of your points are more or less related in my head. After reading through the earlier posts by others I had a sneaking suspicion that more action is what you had in mind, but it's not necessarily how I play, or how the race was designed to work. So, instead I decided to take the time to demonstrate the intent I brought with them. The very core concept of this race is that they are very alien and different in almost every way from humans, but more importantly, that they see humans in exactly the same light: very alien and different from them. There's going to be a lot of caution in their mindsets, and skulduggery in their play-style. I'll also assure you that I can write action sequences, and even have action oriented characters on this site, but a high action sequence felt like it would give a bad first impression of the race as a character in this (our interactive player-driven) story.