[center][h1][color=fff79a]Endar[/color] and [color=violet]Mari[/color][/h1][/center] Endar watched the slight woman rise, and decided that it was better to dismiss all of the others too. [color=fff79a]"Please, all of you, take the time to your own thoughts. It would be best to collect them before we present ourselves to the Tourney Masters. Lord Venen, Lord Krenos, Lord Sarmand, and Lady Fiora have been known to be harsh, but only to those who appear unsuited to the arena. So our first appearance may well affect the outcome of the tournament."[/color] He paused. [color=fff79a]"And, this is not the only tournament I wish to enter. As is the norm for many teams, my intent is that we travel through the realms, following as many of the major events as possible. I cannot say it's usual for a team as unknown as this one to find success... but I am determined for it to happen."[/color] Then, giving a sweeping bow, he turned and walked back into the manor. [hr] Several minutes later, Endar was sitting in his study. He had his hands clasped in front of him, and he was whispering in a tongue as old as the gods themselves. [color=fff79a]"Hon zey nu, Monah Ibis, Bormah Quill... Zu'u draal wah hei. Zu'u draal fah faal pruntaas se dii ahsod. Zu'u draal fah faal pruzah nahlii se dii joriin, ahrk dii junaar. Ahrk... genaz, zok se pah... nid trun fos korosse wah zey... dein dii briinah tirahk..."[/color] [color=violet]"Brother?"[/color] Endar started, before turning. [color=fff79a]"Oh, hello, Mari. What brings you here?"[/color] The girl slipped into the room, closing the door behind her.[color=violet]"I saw that you'd left the courtyard... does that mean we'll be going soon?"[/color] Endar knelt down in front of her. [color=fff79a]"No, not yet, Mari. One more week, and then we'll be on our way. Now, don't forget, if we meet anybody, your name is Medea, okay?"[/color] [color=violet]"Okay..."[/color] she murmured. [color=violet]"And you're sure I can't go watch when you go in the arena?"[/color] [color=fff79a]"[i]Yes[/i], Mari. We've been over this. You aren't allowed to watch. You... you're not meant to, and I don't ever want you to be watching what happens in there. Do you understand me, Mari?"[/color] Mari let her head droop. [color=violet]"Yes, Endar..."[/color] Endar gave a small smile. [color=fff79a]"Thank you, Mari."[/color] Then, ruffling her hair, despite her squawks of protest, he stood. "Come on... we need to go start packing. For real this time."