[color=yellow][h3][center]Lunalel Lightsword[/center][/h3][/color] [color=yellow]"Sorry if I knock you on your rear a couple of times."[/color] Luna said with a slight smile as she unsheathed her sword and swung it a few times to get a feel for it. She closed her eyes as her smile slowly disappeared and was replaced with a stoic expression. [color=yellow]"Now then, let us see how much of a match you are for the daughter of the Lightsword house. Now first, can you pierce my defense?"[/color] Luna said, eyes rapidly examining Maoin to see what her first move would be. She wanted a feel for her opponent before diving into danger. [color=red][h3][center]Eith and Kozue Komichi[/center][/h3][/color] [b]"No."[/b] Both Kozue and Eith said, simultaneously before looking back at each other for a second before Kozue decided to break it and direct her gaze toward Miren. [color=tan]"Apologies. The beast and I had a close encounter due to the task her and those other outsiders were sent on. Whilst I should be thanking her, I cannot help but feel animosity toward her."[/color] Kozue felt no need to bring up her dislike of demons or those closely related to them. [color=tan]"Regardless, I came here out of curiosity. I have the soul of a weakened fox inside of me. I wanted to know if you have any literature regarding said subject. Eith meanwhile, sat off to the side. She didn't have any hate or animosity for this staff person, however, she was strong and quite fun to fight. Still, the Shellagh sat off to the side, barely listening to a word the woman had said. [color=teal][h3][center]Mugi the Yuki-Onna[/center][/h3][/color] [color=teal]"Classes?"[/color] Mugi replied, unsure of what she would have taken. That would be figured out . . . Didn't schools have some like, [color=teal]"The, uhhh, required ones?"[/color] She had no real idea what she would take, that much was for sure. [color=teal]"That will. . . Sort itself out. Right?"[/color] She said in reply to her own questions. Actually, she didn't even know what classes she would take. She sort of just wanted to be a part of the party in her own way.