As of 7/9, we are finally officially underway after two weeks of some manner of planning. Current Time/Situation: Prologue, most of the Characters in the Characters tab are assumed essential (AKA Not so much as killable, until the Present). We're introducing the world and the character, for posts as short or long as they are to give a good dynamic approach to the character initially, as well as the history in it. Dynamic character introductions can be made with the first post, providing some backstory, or personality. There is no post length to this sort of introduction, but don't make it overly long (Like I may've done with Sylvester). Do note the prologue is [b]two years earlier.[/b] We will be starting under this "Prologue" time and after everyone has taken a group consensus, we'll jump right to the present. Otherwise, we can skip all of that in turn. Remember, Esailia and Kaze are Co-GMs. And should you have any questions if I'm busy - You may feel free to ask them. The stage is your's, ladies and gents, and to any more than come!! [@Esailia], [@Kaze Shameimaru], [@wyvern] [@Lady Selune]. --Sol