[color=aba000][h3][center]~Sorcha~[/center][/h3][/color] [color=aba000]"Have fun you too!~"[/color] Sorcha grinned happily from the sidelines, watching with anticipation. She had confidence in the kitten, even if the kitten didn't have it in herself. Even of she lost - that wasn't something to be disappointed about. [color=black][h3][center]~Fox~[/center][/h3][/color] Wordlessly, the fox turned into a perfect copy of Maoin once again...minus the actual maid costume. If Sel wanted her to have that, she'd have to buy it herself. [color=black]"I hope you have a maid uniform if that is what you would like me to wear."[/color] She replied. [color=black]"But I can already tell you that such a study is pointless and absolutely silly."[/color] She scoffed. [color=black]"Whoever made such a ridiculous theory should be ashamed of their own foolishness. It's almost funny, really."[/color] She chuckled. [color=black]"But lets see then, hmm? Is there anything else you would like to request me turning into? Ones appearance does not strengthen or weaken anything. But I would say that you are taking quite the risk, my oh so courteous master, in possibly letting me know what appearance could be used to weaken this little...leash you have me by."[/color] With a small sigh, she continued. [color=black]"I would ask if you trust this one, but I doubt you do. So lead the way then, my ever so gracious master."[/color] [b][h3][center]~Cynthia~[/center][/h3][/b] [b]"...I love you,"[/b] Cynthia said, reaching a hand out and patting Mugi on the head. [b]"But your intelligence leaves much to be desired."[/b] She didn't mean that in a bad way, definitely not! Though, it could have definitely came off as that way but she didn't think Mugi would take it badly. Without a word to clarify what she meant, the maid stopped what she was doing and headed upstairs to the headmistress' office. Without even knocking, she walked in, Livia was sitting behind her desk, quite surprised to see Cynthia walk in so forcefully. [b]"...Livia."[/b] Cynthia coolly said as she stood in front of her desk. [b]"Mugi. What classes?"[/b] [color=bc8dbf]"Oh?"[/color] Livia chuckled. [color=bc8dbf]"Whatever do you mean, dear?"[/color] Cynthia didn't reply, and instead leaned slightly over the desk, supporting her weight with her arms. [color=bc8dbf]"I can assure you, I have not enrolled her in any questionable classes."[/color] Cynthia simply narrowed her eyes at her again. [color=bc8dbf]"Okay okay fine,"[/color] Livia sighed, reaching into a drawer in her desk and handing a stack of paper to Cynthia. [color=bc8dbf]"Fill this out yourself if you must."[/color] Cynthia took the papers, going through a few of them before giving the headmistress a cold glare. [color=bc8dbf]"Tsk, you're no fun any more..."[/color] Livia sighed. Maybe she should invest in a new maid. [b]"Apologies for the interruption."[/b] With that, the maid turned to leave the room and head back to Mugi. [color=6ecff6][h3][center]~Miren~[/center][/h3][/color] So...not friends then. Oh dear. Her little bunny bun heart was getting a bit more worried now. [color=6ecff6]"E-erm, r-right."[/color] Okay Miren, calm down. You've dealt with worse then Eith and a human before. The rabbit listened closely to Kozue despite obviously being nervous. A spirit? Was she...possessed? If so, it didn't seem to be malevolent if the person wanted to help it. Curious, then. [color=6ecff6]"I-I see..."[/color] Miren hummed quietly to herself. Books regarding possession and spirits were something she had in abundance. [color=6ecff6]"Judging from both your attire and accent you come from eastern lands, don't you?"[/color] Miren commented offhandedly. [color=6ecff6]"I've been there before, you know! The headmistress wanted me to investigate some old legends there once, heh."[/color] She chuckled sheepishly. [color=6ecff6]"B-but right, erm...spirit. What sort of spirit is it? You mentioned a fox?"[/color]