[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/10ZwtN7.jpg[/img][/center] Selvina rubbed her chin. Theoretically, having the maid costume or not could help confirm the hypothesis in truth. Obviously they were only measuring extremely minute differences in the bond, the sort that only tools could actually manage to detect. The theory itself suggested no true practical purpose. [color=gray]"Well we could always stop by the store then. It could actually be essential to the study to test if it is the physical item itself or the appearance of the item to the world ..."[/color] The mage forced herself to pause for a second as she thought, and it would be clear to the fox that she was also actually deep in thought. [color=gray]"Besides, you should have something else to wear in case you decide to disguise yourself ..."[/color] The wizard looked at the fox for a couple more seconds. [color=gray]"Alright, could you change your appearance to that of a slightly different cat girl? This is starting to bother me."[/color] And if they ran into Lady Gwynn, it would be incredibly awkward. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KDNoPCb.jpg[/img][/center] Maoin looked at Lady Luna's armor with a frown - although the gloves were metal, the sword's crossguard protected her hands. And the majority of her body was covered by various pieces of ornate metal, although the cat didn't know what they were all called. That meant only the woman's face was open in front of her. With a frown the cat took an experimental lunge towards Lady Lightsword's face, trying to see how she'd defend herself before jumping immediately back to their original distance. She'd have to use her speed in this one but the duel couldn't last forever - she was fairly sure the knightess would outlast her. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/HuFvrKV.jpg[/img][/center] The phoenix looked up from her spot by Livia's desk as Cynthia barged in, the maid talking about Mugi's classes demandingly before running away herself. As the woman left the room Fia recalled the massage she had received the previous day. She'd have to ask for one again, wouldn't she? That had probably been the most pleasant experience in her life, after all. Maybe if she was lucky it could be a daily thing? That would probably annoy Cynthia though. Fia wasn't exactly sure about that. She also wasn't exactly sure what the thing following Livia around was ... she'd seen a few things around the mansion since the morning ... outlines in a way, shifting around and glowing slightly like as if they were stars. If her eyes weren't so perceptive she wouldn't have been able to see them, and she wasn't sure if anyone else would be able to. A few bookshelves had the outlines around a couple of books, along with some of the drawers to Livia's desk. Even a square portion of a carpet had been lit. But the strangest ones were the slightly humanoid ones that constantly floated around the mansion - and of course the massive one directly in front of her as she sat behind Livia's desk. It's arms seemed to have an extensive reach, if the outline was to be trusted. But she wasn't scared of it for some reason - in fact it somehow seemed familiar. The headmistress would feel a hand tug slightly on her dress. [color=salmon]"... Livia ..."[/color] She pointed at the gigantic outlined shape in front of her, straight at where it's head was. [color=salmon]"... who ... is that ...?"[/color] She was sure the headmistress knew - in fact, she was certain it was somehow involved with them based on how the spirit had followed them to their office. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/NPEcX6A.png[/img][/center] Meowka's eyes opened up again after a couple of minutes, the cat stretching as she looked over towards her new mistress, put her new collar on, and then approached on all fours as she slipped out of the bed as if it was the most normal thing in the world, crossed the room after grabbing a pillow with her teeth off the bed, then [i]jumped[/i] on top of a tall wardrobe and curling up on it's top as she looked over the rest of the room with watchful eyes as she curled up with the pillow beneath her. There was hardly any space between the prowler of the night and the ceiling, but the familiar seemed comfortable at least. She watched the other woman work, clearly at least a little curious.