Meesei turned her head briefly to Lunise. "Well, I shall not go into too much detail without your approval, but..." She began, turning back to Janius. "In Bravil, after learning the true stakes of our war, we both found we had more in common than we once thought. As you can imagine, it was quite an...emotional time for both of us. All of us, really. In that environment, it became much easier for us to see each other for who we were. Now, by chance, have you all made dinner yet?" "No, um, I was about to make something." Ahnasha answered. She was still not completely certain about Lunise. Like Kaleeth, she found it hard to simply ignore how Lunise had always acted towards them. However, because Meesei trusted her, she supposed she should give her a chance as well. "Is there anything you would like to have in particular? I guess since you're the guest and everything." Ahnasha asked Lunise. Meesei, inwardly, had some hope of where that question might lead. Through her long career in Elsweyr, Lunise had developed a taste for Khajiit cooking. Shortly afterwards, Julan emerged from the waters of the oasis. He had remained in the water longer than his mother, so he had not heard any of what was happening above the surface. Also of note was the fact that he had taken his swim in his werecrocodile form to practice holding his breath, since his lycan form did not retain his gills. He was well-fed, so control was not a concern, but he had seen Lunise so infrequently that he did not even recognize her out of her uniform. As he started to step towards the camp, his eyes settled on her. "Oh, someone new...OH!" Julan said, with a sudden realization. He stepped back timidly, terrified to the point that even Lunise would be able to see it in his demeanor. He did not know she was an ally, but her scent gave her away as obviously not being a lycan, and he was in his lycan form. He was frightened mostly by the fact that he may have accidentally given away that they were lycans to a stranger, but there was perhaps something amusing about a werecrocodile being frightened of a normal Altmer woman. He was not an adult, but werecrocodiles were massive enough that he was still about the size of an average werewolf.