[center][h2]Esther von Degraff[/h2][/center] [hr] "Yes, Captain!" Esther replied enthustiastically to the Captain's order. She was getting excited for their little outing, especially with everyone going together there including the new cadets that came with the princess. Returning to her bed once again, she took her things with her. She pretty much carried all her luggage, which was mostly clothes and the like. After they all gathered back in front of the Captain, they marched towards Orello and their destination, The Golden Sheep. On their way, Esther feasted her eyes on the calm and soothing scenery of the village. Countryside really was the best place to live, she thought. Her home was in the countryside as well and when she had her couple excursions to the city, she still thought the countryside was the better of the two. Sure, the city could be really impressive and the countryside could get boring at times, but she felt like the city was too crowded for her liking. Once she arrived at the Golden Sheep, they immediately took a seat on one of the tables in the tavern. As they were served alcohol, Esther made sure only to drink a little as she really was weak to the stuff. If she drank too much, she would instantly be drunk and she certainly didn't want that while they were being briefed by the captain. And speaking of the captain, she just gulped her beer down like it was nothing. She really was on a different class of her own, she thought. As the captain introduced their newcomers, Esther greeted them cheerfully, introducing herself in the process. She certainly hoped they would get along nicely. "A-an unknown monster?" she said once she heard the captain talk about their secret mission. "A-and we're going to do it with the princess on our side?" Esther's eyes immediately lit up. She couldn't believe she was going to fight with the princess side by side! She was both excited and nervous at the revelation. She certainly didn't want to mess up in front of her for sure! After that, the captain told them that they would have the night free to themselves (while making Esther blush at her baby-making comment). Esther looked around, not sure what she wanted to do. [i]Oh, I know! I should take a bath! We haven't had one in qute some time after all![/i], she thought as she remembered the hot springs bath they passed when they were walking here. She remembered however that the bath seemed to be mixed gender, which made her reluctant to go. But after taking a sniff at her armpits (away from the others, of course), she decided to steel herself and went anyways. She just hoped that there wouldn't be any man in the bath. [@KoL]