while i did encourage the idea, all changes do have to be approved by us, I did think you were going to change the cs and resubmit it. As you know, I work on a majority basis. While i appreciate that fact you did ask me first, perhaps i wasn't clear in saying that the changes did need to be approved, and by two of us. Would you mind changing that in the CS and resubmitting it? As it stands, neither vicier or yoshi knew about this (and that is my fault, i kind of forget, lets chalk it up to exams and stuff... ) and both need to review it. However, Vicier maybe a little biased, as she does have a blind character herself, Adeline, hence the lovable, if goofy Ce-Jay, who apart from being in Adeline's collab post, has been in phoebe and deon's, in one of Barca's posts, and currently in Ben's intro post (damn dog gets around, that's for sure!). So, I'm going to leave this matter up to Yoshi. I work with my co-gms, not only because they are my friends, but because they are damned awesome at what they do. If one, or both, of them have a concern, I listen to it. [@KatherinWinter]