I've been busy myself with yard work. Working on comic designs where my mascot character is getting a canonized design. And just thinking of general things for one of Riv's possible rps. Thinking in concepts for this, and playing FF14 here and there. But, I honestly just been feeling alone in all of it. And doing one last rework due to the reasons of. "I said I was going to months ago, but I didn't." Part of me just cannot be bothered to reboot the other rp at the moment. I like being GM here and there, but it feels awkward being in a position where you have central characters you must treat like participants, it feels like "I'm playing my own script ideas with them." I dunno if that makes any sense. Someone in the FF guild I am in started drama with me for no reason. I wanted to talk with her one on one to explain I was bothered the other night, and I said "Hey, I got a lisp. Can you please not make fun of it." So she responds like a complete fucking bitch. She calls it middle school drama, when I was being civil, so I was very confused how what she said made any sense in her own mind. I get she is Pregnant... But really? I have had other friends who are pregnant who are just bundles of joy, and the worst bit is, the Guild Leader said that is just how she is regularly. Hell, she even said I was narcissistic. For trying to address something in private rather than saying it for EVERYONE to see. Kinda the exact opposite. I really don't get it. I like to think people talk to each other one on one to work out a problem when they might have one. Hell,when we are confused in the forum here, we talk about it. It is what mature people do. We work through it the best we can, even if we don't agree on one hundred percent on everything. We still talk about it. But she says I need mental health? But she can just shit talk everyone and that isn't middle school like...? Woman, your point is both unintelligent and hypocritical. I think you need more help than me. But then my friend attacked me, he apologized later, but he didn't understand the context of what was going on. It was just a draining day that was. But... The comic does not write itself, and the concept designs are never finished first try. Either way, I hope we can get into chipper feelings later and have fun with this rp.