[b] GO PATRIOTS! (not the football team) Welcome to summer vacation class of 17! Congratulations! We just graduated from one of the most respectable high schools in all of Massachusetts. South City High School. A few students have been given the honor of going to Cal State LA, either to be a full time student or just to take a few semesters. Some students just want to go to Southern California to party before life starts. I myself have been invited to take part in an X Games qualifier round. My father has gave me his '65 Impala as a graduation gift. If anyone would like to have the trip of a life time just let me know soon! More Vehicles can be aquired if needed![/b] The 65 Impala [url]https://www.google.com/search?client=tablet-android-alco&biw=1024&bih=600&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=ThZjWd2yPIvj-QGYl7r4DQ&q=convertible+chevrolet+65&oq=convertible+chevrolet+65&gs_l=mobile-gws-img.3..0i8i30k1.20030.28718.0.29256.[/url]