[@Klomster] Did I say [b]don't post[/b], I'm pretty certain I did; I'll let you have that post, but both you and [@Necroes] have potentially buggered up the entire plan simply because (from the looks of it) you enjoy using physic powers. Now here's the thing... Urgugg, if not for Xeph, would have been killed. Let there be no doubt about that, if Vedius had been there then he would have put a bolter round through every part of his body and left him to rot. The fact he doesn't think good and acts on instinct only goes so far - he is a xenos who just assaulted an Astartes and potential allies. Just forewarning that the next time he does something like that and Vedius is around, we'll likely be seeing the demise of another character. Secondly, the point about Astropaths is completely correct; both our psykers may well have just fucked up the entire mission. Whether this is a deliberate thing on the players parts, actually in character, or both is irrelevant...we may now have to fight entire sections of the ship to actually get anywhere. [quote]The astropath would pick up the psychic ping, yes. But apart from sending a message to the captain. (As in radio or a runner.) The astropath probably will not alert many of the coming problem. Since a psychic beacon/sonar can be created for many reasons. Perhaps a new psyker awakened? The ship will not go on full alert because of that. But they probably will send a team of armsmen for it. To check it out.[/quote] This would be more than enough to blow everything, and once it is blown, well you know the drill. I'm going to wait for [@agentmanatee] to get his guys off the ship, as Vedius is not going to just leave the vessel while they're still on board. As for everyone else ([@Sophrus][@Wraithblade6][@BCTheEntity]), I suggest you continue toward the actual objective of the bridge and finish what we came to do I.E. Get a ship.