Jonathan grinned at the joking response. He then rolled his eyes, [color=7bcdc8]"Mom wasn't too keen on sending me to this school. She said I was doing just fine."[/color] He openly admitted. After all, he couldn't blame her mother for anything. It's not like she could have done anything once his father got his head on something. He understood that all too well. [color=7bcdc8]"Now dad wanted me to learn more about manners and politics and the likes. You know, to be more like him."[/color] He then laughed. [color=7bcdc8]"Well now, that's too bad. Apparently, we'll get 'remodeled' here."[/color] He obviously showed disdained for the emphasized word. [color=7bcdc8]"I just hope that we don't have to stay here for long."[/color] If this Academy takes more than four years, then he's booking it out of here. He doesn't care if he can't live a luxurious house if it meant that he'll have to suffer in this place for an extended period of time. [@Animera]