[quote=@vancexentan] I personally don't believe every single post needs to be read. This is my own opinions of course others need to disagree. But when two people are talking to each other and it doesn't involve the story, or the character you're a part of whatsoever then you have no obligation to read it. You may want to it may help solidify your understanding of other characters but it can also lead to some meta gaming potential say what if character A said to B that they liked cake. Then when character A meets C then C offers the aforementioned Cake for no reason. Basically it's up to you in my own opinion. I feel the need to add 'my opinion' because I don't feel like arguing about this. [/quote] Or as a counterpoint, end of a scene with posts you aren't reading suddenly include your character and you don't respond to it until after people bug you about it and now you have to read back several posts to figure out what's going on. You might say, "Well, that's why people tell you you're involved", but that's putting responsibility on them that could be mitagated entirely if you'd just been following along. Like Ammo said, metagaming is a personal problem that any half decent roleplayer won't get caught up in. If it is a problem, the GM needs to step in, simple as that.