Do any of you ever SLEEP??? I'm gone for a night and there's another two pages added, sheesh. I guess if we are talking in terms of Destined shipping, I see Rhoslyn with Rhys the most. Plus I also think it's kind of funny that they're names are so similar. Rhys Howell, Rhoslyn Lovell. Rhys and Rhos. I'm a sucker for alliteration. No one else has really stood out other than that, maybe Arthur or Faolan. Honestly though, I'm MOSTLY saying Faolan because the FC is Jude Law and that man is.......he's the love of my life. But anyway, I guess I should ask this question since I might not be understanding how pairing is going to work. When it comes to our Destined "soulmates," is it going to be a character with the same elemental ability? Or can it just be any other person with the Mark?