[hr][hr][center][h1][color=662d91]Alexander Polawski[/color][/h1] [img]http://cdn.wegotthiscovered.com/wp-content/uploads/robertdenirothefamily.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][b][color=662d91]Location:[/color][/b] Heading south towards the smoke[/center][hr][hr] The sounds of dripping water continued to fill the void left by humanities slow but brutal demise, as well as the unknown gurgling that kept Alexander moving forward. As he looked at the abandoned houses lined up, he wondered how long they could remain standing. They looked run-down, yes, but still a certain charm ran over them as the water dripped off. Then again, the area didn't look easily defendable; too much open space and not enough to build a quick defence out of. One would either have to demolish the houses for building material, or bring in the resources, both which took time, manpower and skill. Not that he would be staying long, he was only after the source of the gurgling after all. It didn't take long for him to find it. The backyard of one of the houses revealed a partially concealed well, hidden beneath the now melting snow. Alexander, still holding his fire axe ready to strike if needed, made his way close enough to the well to see what was there. And lo and behold, it was a Walker. Frozen in the ice, only its head and upper jaw giving away its position. Alexander chuckled quietly as he took in the sight, not even feeling sorry for the frozen, rotten popsticle. He looked around him, though that Walker seemed to be alone. He sighed, and walked once again southward towards the smoke. He had no reason to take out that Walker, it wouldn't do anyone who knew their shit any harm. Besides, the water was contaminated with whatever virus the Undead bore, so drinking from the well was stupid anyway. The thought reminded him of his lack of eating that morning, but he wasn't hungry enough to open his spam. But as he continued to head south, he did scoop up some snow into his palm and but it into his mouth. In time it would melt, and he wouldn't be that thirsty anymore. That was to say, if he survived long enough for it to melt.