Kensen didn’t much care for what the others were talking about, not was he going to say anything about Adrianna or even look at her as she spoke to them. It was all a big ‘whatever’ to him whether she decided to be pals with them and go off to do whatever they wanted to do once they were away from this place. It was all okay, it wasn’t his place to dictate what they were and were not allowed to plan for the future nor was he going to mention anything about them. In a little world of his own for a moment there he didn’t realise Ethan was talking to him until he mentioned his name, thinking for a moment over what was said. “Hmm I know a few places. I have a place in mind”. There was plenty of bars that sold food but there was also a grill designed for travellers on the go and workers to which there was a lot of. So long as they were into meat then it was all going to be fine for the lot of them. Not having many other thoughts running though his head he made a casual glance to Nymira, staring at her before looking away again. “If he wishes to keep his job, then sure”, he spoke quickly, waving his hand, “All you do it learn to mostly ignore his tone of voice and casual insults and he’s fine. I doubt he’d be trusted with others at all if he was a loose cannon”. It was true that Gage was pretty loud and strutted around like he owned the place but if any of them so much as stepped out of line then there was punishments. They had a mission here and to throw that all away because someone got annoyed at a little kid would just be idiotic and scarring to the whole cause they were fighting for. They were supposed to be the better people, they had no reason to show they were nothing but thugs. -- Just why was their group so dead set on treating him like he was a person, especially when he was supposed to be a machine that was supposed to kill their kind. He was around so many strangers and everybody was just treating him like he was flesh and blood, like his cover wouldn’t be blown around so many strangers. He didn’t know who these people were, he didn’t know them personally at all. The whole group were all just coming out and treating him like he was one of them, that was going to end in his death if they weren’t careful. Who knew if they would be willing to take him apart once they found out, especially when he apparently had a crystal inside him. Who knew how much that would sell for, it was probably enough to pay off how much it cost to repair him. It was wrong to treat him like a person, that was just the end of it. Amuné didn’t seem to understand, she was still pretty set on judging him by how he looked and not who he really was. It just wasn’t right to do such a thing, he didn’t even understand their social structures very well. “Don’t call me special…that’s nothing special about be. Just means I’m difficult to repair”, he spoke lowly, looking away, “And also means I’m getting chased all the time…” Amuné seemed to had forgotten that he was something others wanted and they didn’t care whether he was destroyed to get a hold of his parts or taken away whole. She just didn’t get it; he wasn’t like them, he was somebody’s creation and whoever that was they wanted him back. Murans didn’t seem to need to worry about that, they all had their own lives, but he had a purpose and straying from that meant he needed to be taken back to where he came from. She was making this terribly difficult. She couldn’t possibly understand how he felt. Just because she thought of her animal as a person didn’t make him one, instead it would make him not much better than a pet instead. He didn’t understand. What did anyone want with him? Why was she so set on calling him a person? Why was there people after him? Why were they so willing to have him around despite him showing how dangerous he could be? He didn’t understand any of it and all this was just confusing him, he just shouldn’t be treated like one of them when he definitely wasn’t. How was it right to confuse him so much? Pressing his chest a little bit as if to test how fleshy he actually was he sighed lowly, not buying what Amuné was telling him at all. Gasping when the sound of someone sounded out he jumped back a few inches, staring at Gage in mild surprise and confusion. They had followed them? This was just getting worse as he went along. He didn’t need someone like this man finding out about him, even if he was mostly berating him and being insulting. Not knowing whether to attack this man to silence him or just play dumb he was left confused and unable to move, simply staring at the man rather blankly. He didn’t know who he was but he was threatening him, even if he was trying to tell him to get over his insecurities. It wasn’t that easy, he didn’t even know anything about what was going on in his life and was just throwing out words because he was an angry man. Watching him as he passed he hesitated, not knowing why he was going the way they were heading. “…You don’t understand. You don’t know me. There’s people hunting me because of what I am and that's a problem concerning my existence! They wouldn’t care if there was many innocents around me, they’d still use excessive force to get me”. Walking on towards Norman’s shop still he felt no intimidation towards the way Gage was acting or talking, hearing him talk with great confidence as if they should all be scared of him acting out. “I’ll only accept what I am when I know what I was made for and for what purpose. And don’t say you don’t care because if you didn’t you wouldn’t had bothered talking so much about it and just told me to shut up…” Cecil held no fear towards Gage, he didn’t have any worries about being destroyed by him when he cared so little about himself in the first place. Even if Gage shouted, berated and threatened him there was nothing he cared about at this point. Gage could get angry and threaten to destroy him all he wanted, he could even ignore him all he wanted, he wasn’t afraid of him.