[center][color=#d3381c][h3]~Claire Blackwood~[/h3][/color][/center] [@PlatinumSkink] [hider=Current Team] [img]https://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/black-white/anim/normal/ralts.gif[/img] Ralia, Ralts Level: 9 Status: 100% health [img]http://www.pokewiki.de/images/a/a0/Pok%C3%A9monsprite_165_Platin.png[/img] Ritz, Ledyba Level 8 Status: 100% health [img]http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/c2/Spr_5b_415_f.png[/img] Lure, Combee Level 7 Status: 100% health [img]https://pldh.net/media/pokemon/gen5/blackwhite_animated_front/014.gif[/img] Del, Kakuna Level 8 Status: 100% health [/hider] [hider=Inventory] 5113$ Antidote x1 pokeball x1 Focus Band x1[/hider] [hr] [color=#d3381c]"Wahaha!~"[/color] Claire laughed, before returning the badge to Yvonne. [color=#d3381c]"Fine, I'll take you up on your challenge! I'll beat this Gym Leader with just a single pokemon so you go and practice your contests. Not like I need the practice anyways, heh!~"[/color] First things first though - spinning on her heels and facing the nurse she handed over all of her pokemon hurriedly. [color=#d3381c]"Need I mention I already beat the Gym Leaders disciple out on Route 11, too? She was a tough little challenge since she ambushed me, but me being me, I beat her flawlessly."[/color] Claire continued as she waited for her pokemon to be healed - that said, she wasn't going to stick around longer to give Yvonne a chance to 1-up her in the pokemon contests either. She had to get moving. As soon as her pokemon were healed, she grabbed them and bolted out the door. However - a split second after leaving, the doors to the pokemon center opened again as Claire poked her head back in. [color=#d3381c]"The next time you'll see me, Yvonne, I'll be the owner of a shiny new badge!~"[/color] And then she was gone again. The redhead made her way towards the direction of the gym that Yvonne had mentioned. For now she kept her pokemon in their pokeballs - no need to advertise she had three pokemon that were weak to fire, heh. She could have probably stopped by the mart and brought some healing items, but this was Claire. She didn't plan that far ahead.