I don't know if you are still accepting new character. I tried to go with a noncanon character which I hope is alright. So here is my CS. [hider=Carver Belford]Name: Carver Belford Picture: [hider][img]https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/powerrangers/images/f/f3/Prsm-silver.png/revision/latest?cb=20140212233025[/img][/hider] Previous Ranger Title: Silver Ranger Current Ranger Title: Silver Multiverse Ranger (based on Kyuranger) Brief History: Carver or the Silver Ranger. of the Galaxy ranger squad. He wasnt orginally a ranger as the morpher was created as a trap by some 'bad guys' It was intended to attach to another ranger take control over them and destroy the rangers from the inside. Carver was just in the wrong place at the right time the morpher stuck to him and put him in a power ranger suit that he cant turn off. The mind control trap went haywire giving the suit its own mind of its own. It took several rangers to stop him and multiple henchmen of those who created the morpher. Carver got control over the suit but he has been unable to still take of the suit. Even though Carver controls the suit he does lose control over the suits own mind from time to time. When ever he gets extremely angry or if he is pushed to his own physical limits. When the suit takes over it is a brute force with primal urge to destroy anything in its path whether it be friend or foe. Carver is constantly trying to find a way to shut down his morpher and free himself from the Silver suit.[/hider]