[@Patches] [center][hr][hr] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/6c/80/53/6c80535e4be72d7e5b5ec994af99bfc1.jpg]TRISH[/url] [url=https://fontmeme.com/tattoo-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170621/76b22dfcf41f42ba8ecc087534a7c8fa.png[/img][/url][hr][hr][/center] [color=magenta]Temptation is successful advertising coupled with a product of desire and addiction; ever seen and office without coffee? Coffee is the true drug of the masses and its presence feeds Gluttony, Lust, Anger, Pride and so forth. A multipurpose Temptation, Socially Sanctioned by the Pope and powerful Leaders from other Religions. And as a Temptation to the Tyrants in some parts of the world worth the destruction of unique cultures and environments so you might exploit the lands that were once theirs; the poppy needed secrecy but coffee was advertized; who’s the real winner he…[/color] Trish can’t finish the thought so delighted she is at how wonderful it is to know that in her small way she’d contributed her share to the Sins which she served. She holds her hands up in surrender; around them some other patrons laugh either because they overheard her or were infected with her delightful laugh. She recovers as only an artist in the seductive arts of a Courtesan can casting a matronly gaze at her younger sister. [color=magenta]We are Succubi you and I; I just have a bit more experience…..Oh and a lust for certain powers. I didn’t coin the Idea that “Sex Sells” but I know good advertising scheme and the fact coffee was sold as the drink that revives you when you’re tired, helps you wake up and let's not forget; “Let's Do Coffee”. Grandmothers drink coffee and the only group to tingle on it were those wacky Mormons. A Sultan of the Ottoman Empire tried to make it illegal and closed the coffee shops; the uprising of the population nearly toppled him till he came to his senses and surrendered to the fact that Coffee had won, strangest of all as a dig at the victor he imposed a small tax which the coffee drinkers paid with little complaint Coffee drinkers are a powerful force that is woven through every strata in every society, it is the Grandest Drug Success Story ever. The trouble with the other drugs are powerful negative effects if you can’t get it endangering your life; can’t get a coffee you’re a “Prick or a Bitch” and if people know it’s for coffee they’ll even sympathize. Sorry as I said I love the Sucess Coffee is as a Temptation Now tea wasn’t one of mine but there is another product socially accepted even after all the crimes committed in search of power and wealth. Chocolate is another and now that science has revealed its hidden secret even more sought as a mood stabilizer. Then yes Spices, once it was salt but that market dried up with real commerce Spices drove man across seas Temptation in all its delicious forms[/color]