[@thewizardguy] Carolyn came to an abrupt halt, the stranger that had intercepted her path instilling an even stronger sense of fear than before. "No, I'm alright, I'd rather continue...um, on my way home." She eyed her surroundings out of instinct, looking for a possible escape, although the approaching footsteps and the obvious fact that she was a mere human were obvious indicators that she had no chance in hell of escaping, not without some sort of miracle. And that's exactly what she got. Without so much as a warning, Carolyn was suddenly snatched up off of the ground and settled onto a nearby rooftop two stories off the ground in a matter of seconds. It was Lucas who'd arrived to help her, and he gave her a quick hug. "We need to get you somewhere safe. Come on." "Thank you—" Then they were off again, rushing from rooftop to rooftop as easily as a kid skipping through a playground. Carolyn made sure to hold on tight. She'd done this in the past, but none of those times were a matter of life and death. Not like today. With the wind buzzing past them, Carolyn looked up at Lucas. He didn't seem to be the slightest bit tired. That, or he was extremely good at hiding it. It was then he just so happened to look behind him, his expression changing. Carolyn instantly knew something was wrong, especially when he stopped to gently set her down on the rooftop they were currently on. Lucas pushed her behind him with one arm and she easily picked up on the fact that he was getting ready to fight, his muscles tensing and his breathing slowing down. An odd sense of regret washed over Carolyn, and she wished she could help him, fight by his side so she didn't have to feel so helpless. "Please be careful," she whispered, worrisome thoughts flooding her mind not because of her safety, but for Lucas' own.