[img]https://scontent.fmvd1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/10730843_717963661624031_1641925295789734416_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=7bc44ca1a47e1aff7033d1ea306fb421&oe=59EE38BA[/img] Name:Masar Winter-Eyes Age: 23 Race: Half-Nord Half-Redguard. Equipment: A steel sword andand a steel mace, Scaled Armor, Steel Cuffed Boots, Steel Nordic Gauntlets. Shout: Soul Tear. Bio: Masar was born in Rorikstead, his father was a redguard, from whom he only herited the black hair, worked as backlsmith in the town, his mother was a soldier in the Legion. In his childhood Masqr used to help his father everyday in all ways he could, cooking, cleaning or even in the forge. Her mother was busy with the daily patrols, in her free days his mother would teach him how to use the sword or about hunting. However despite teaching him such things they did not want Masar to join the Legion and convinced him to join the Bards Collage, he joined when he was about 16 and stayed for about 4 years when started thinking about singing songs about his own adventures. With the money he had earned from a concert in the Blue Palace he bought weapons and armor and begun his own adventures looking for inspiration. Eventually he got in contact with the Dawnguard and joined them so one day he could thing about heroic battles against vampires.