[color=black][h3][center]~Fox~[/center][/h3][/color] [color=black]"Mew? Weird?"[/color] The fox replied, stepping slightly closer to the mage. [color=black]"Does master wish to do things to this kitten? I am unsure why it would otherwise be awkward."[/color] With an impish grin though, she did comply with the request...by just changing her eye color to her normal tone. [color=black]"Does this work, master?"[/color] ...ugh, that was revolting. This might be more difficult to do than she thought it would, but at least she could maybe mess with a few people like this. [b][h3][center]~Cynthia~[/center][/h3][/b] [b]"Fill out."[/b] Cynthia handed a few sheets of paper to the Yuki-Onna. [b]"English. Proper english and write neatly."[/b] The maid seemed to at least insist that she'd do this herself instead of letting someone else handle it. [b]"Classes, what time you wish to take classes, and how many you will take on the weekdays. Sappho is a bit different than other academies. We let students choose the classes they wish to take. As long as they pass any required exams and meet the minimum require attendance, you will do well. If you need a list of classes we provide here I can retrieve one."[/b] It'd take a bit out of her work day and she'd have to work a bit later if she helped Mugi with this, but she didn't particularly mind in the end. [color=6ecff6][h3][center]~Miren~[/center][/h3][/color] Inari? Fox? [color=6ecff6]So...it is a Kitsune, then."[/color] Miren concluded with the little information provided. So she was being possessed by a Kitsune in some fashion? It seemed as though it was the peaceful sort at least, though. That was good. [color=6ecff6]"Well, from what I know Kitsune's are very...tricky and often times fickle and powerful spirits. Reviving one should be a simple enough matter as long as it's spirit is intact as it seems to be."[/color] The rabbit turned around, hopping swiftly over to a section of bookshelves. [color=6ecff6]"I have many texts here on the subject of spirits, methods to revive them, and other related materials."[/color] [color=bc8dbf][h3][center]~Livia~[/center][/h3][/color] Livia blinked, glancing at Fia and then up towards the spirit. It was currently cloaked to the point where only those who were at least of the same power as her with spirits could see it, even a little. The spirit itself looked turned its head towards Fia, but ultimately did nothing and only remained still. [color=bc8dbf]"...oh, you can see him, then?"[/color] Livia leaned back in her chair. How odd. Fia was by no means some mage of any power...so how? Some tool or item, or outside influence. Alternatively...she could just be getting weaker. Old age tended to do that. [color=bc8dbf]"Hmm...a guardian spirit, lets call them that, Fia."[/color] She replied with a soft smile. [color=bc8dbf]"They are my...friends, of sorts. They take care of me, and will also help you should you have need of it. Pay them no mind - they don't like being noticed. A bit on the shy side."[/color]