Luke sat at the opening of a cave that he and Ryan had found. It was night time and as usual Luke agreed to take the first shift mainly because he liked to sit and gather his thoughts, but also being in the outdoors he enjoyed looking up at the night sky taking in the stars. The world was in the dumper and tomorrow wasn't promised to anyone, but it was moments like these that Luke just took in the beauty around him and remembered that God was still in control, because he was the only one who could've painted a tapestry like this. As he studied the stars Luke's mind began to drift back to the night he left the Amish... _________________________________________________________________ Luke approached Elder Joseph Perkins home. He was very pensive about all of this, but it was time. Over two years ago the community took him in and trusted him now it was time for Luke to trust someone besides the Hansons who took him in, and he could think of no one better than the man he came to view as a father figure. Not to mention Luke needed his gear back. Luke knocked on the door and Elder's Wife Laura answered. He said, [B]"Evening Mrs. Perkins I'm sorry to be leaving so be coming to your home so late, but I was wondering if I Elder is still awake and that I could talk with him. This is very important."[/B] Laura replied, "Of course Luke come in." Luke said, [B]"Sorry ma'am this is a private matter that I need to speak with Elder about. Please I hope you can respect my wishes."[/B] Laura nodded somewhat concerned and replied, "Of course Luke I'll go get him you can have a seat on the swinging bench." Luke bowed his head slightly and said, [B]"Thank you."[/B] Luke took a seat on the bench and waited. As he did Luke looked at the stars and he never really noticed them until this moment. Here he had been here for over two years and he never really looked at the sky and realized how wide open this area truly was. It was even more wide open than the farm he grew up on. Just then he heard the door open and saw Elder Joseph walking out carrying a Bible. Elder said, "Good evening Luke. How are you?" Luke shook his head for a moment and said, [B]"Not good Elder I'm afraid. In fact I'm not sure where to begin to be honest"[/B] Elder sat next to him and said, "Try from the beginning that usually works best for me." Luke replied, [B]"I'm gonna miss your wisdom sir."[/B] Elder looked concerned and Luke said, [B]"You see Elder Joseph my real name is Aaron Miller. I was a former Government Agent and I faked my death. I know certain secrets about our Government and if those secrets ever became public knowledge people might lose faith and those in power could lash out. Not to mention it could undermine our Government inspite of the fact that what they did was wrong. I've done everything in power to protect myself from being found, but even that power has limits, and over the last two days I've noticed certain unmarked black cars in the area. I'm afraid that it's only going to be a matter of days, or maybe even hours before they move to bring me in. They won't care who is in the way ,or if they have the right to do this or not. In fact if they have to they'll wipe this community off of the map just to make sure I'm dealt with."[/B] Elder took it all in and showed no real expression. Luke could've been talking to him about the weather the way Elder reacted. Elder asked, "What can I do to help you?" Luke took a deep breath and said, [B]"I told The Hansen family about this already and they said they gave you my gear. I need it back and I need to go for the good of the community. If I don't leave soon you all will pay the price for your compassion for me, and I can't handle that."[/B] Elder stood up and said, "Meet me at the barn." Luke went to the barn and waited for a few moments. He saw Elder Joseph approach carrying a couple of items and he opened a shed next to the barn. Elder Joseph then pulled out Luke's back pack and bow and black fedora. Elder put the extra items in the back pack and handed it to Luke. Elder said, "It's some of Laura's homemade bread and strawberry jam." Luke smiled and said, [B]"I'm really gonna miss her cooking."[/B] He put on his back pack and bow, but before he could put his hat on Elder Joseph said, "Wait a moment Luke. Please bow your head." Luke bowed his head Elder Joseph put his hand on Luke's head and said, "May the Lord bless you and keep you safe. May The Lord guide your steps and empower you Luke to serve in his name. May The Lord look upon you with grace and give you peace my brother. Amen." Luke nodded, crossed himself and said, [B]"Amen thank you Elder Joseph I'll never forget you all. Blessings to you and the community."[/B] Elder Joseph replied, "God Speed to you..." he smiled and said, "Luke." Luke tipped his hat and was on his way into the night. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Luke smiled as he remembered that night and pulled out a bottle of water. He raised it up and said,[B] "To you Elder Joseph. All things considered so far so good. God Bless you sir."[/B]