[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/sjc6YPn.png[/img][/center] This time the toad attacked in the manner she expected it too, its long young lashing out at her, but before the goblin could try and leap to the side she was dragged by her hammer instead. The red ring fortunately made her strong enough to hold on to the shaft, if she hadn’t had it she would surely have been gobbled up. The fact that she was dragged in the opposite direction to the one she was in the middle of trying to leap to was very confusing and so she was promptly plunged into the water again. She rose from the water and stared bemused at her weapon for a moment. It was a piece of crap that should not suddenly be trying to magically save her life and Rita was not familiar enough with magic to think that someone else might have tried to pull it. Confused and rather worried about her weapons assistance she turned her attention by necessity back to the ugly toad that was already lining up another shot. It was little rough around the edges with that pike sticking out of it, but unfortunately her hammer seemed to have done little to the beast with her initial attempt, but she managed to see a way that she could do much more this time. After all, when all you have is a hammer, every problem starts to look like a nail, and she saw a great big nail ripe for smacking. Sprinting through the water as fast as her little legs could carry her and deftly hopping over a second tong grab she passed the beast’s side and leaped up in the air, swinging her tiny hammer full force into the end of the extruding pike’s shaft, driving it deeper into the beast, before landing behind the toad and driving a second strike towards the closest leg, aiming to hit a slightly more vulnerable area than the creatures thick skull. She’d like to see it try and jump and squash her with a broken leg. As was traditional, she was screaming her little lungs out in a wordless and rather high pitched battle cry while doing all this.