[Center][b][H2][color=steelblue]Henry Pearl Avaritia The 2nd[/color][/H2][/b] [@The 42nd Gecko][/center] A head flew down the hallway as Henry decapitated yet another Machina robot which was trying to kill him. Although it wasn't quite an accurate statement to say it flew down the hallway as he tore through a ruined city, crumbling as Machina, Angels, and Demons fought within the burning hellscape. This was once a city full of innocent civilians, doing their best to live in a realm that existed only to serve as a battlefield for powers they could never comprehend. That changed when Henry's father caught wind of a treasure capable of creating an absolute defense. One thing led to another and 3 separate armies were now duking it out. [color=steelblue]"God damnit how do I get out of this fucking phantom city?"[/color] Originally it had been amusing that he was facing old foes that he had killed hundreds of years ago, now it was getting really annoying. Especially due to the significance of this particular battle. Henry turned a corner to witness a random Demon soldier about to slaughter a woman holding a crying baby, Henry drew his blade and threw it at the demon in one smooth motion, pinning its head to a wall. The woman screamed as Henry rushed towards her. [color=steelblue]"Hey, hey shut up. I'm trying to save your dumbass."[/color] Henry grabbed a curtain on a nearby window, tearing it off and covering the woman with it to hide her as best as he could. He pulled his blade from the demon's head and turned. His father watched him from a distance, as always. Didn't even have the decency to fight in a battle he had started. [color=steelblue]"Wait a minute, why am I here again?"[/color] Henry closed his eyes and hit his head a few times as he reminded himself that this had all happened before. These people weren't real, he had killed them long ago. He opened his eyes to find himself in his throne room. Except it wasn't his yet, it was his dad's. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/dc/ba/e5/dcbae5e8a6b28f75762e59e1e1536233--anime-demon-anime-male.jpg]His father looked upon him with a sneer[/url], sitting upon his throne like he was the king of the world. [color=crimson]"You did well out there son, we may not have found the treasure but I think we all learned some valuable things today. For example, I learned my son is a filthy human lover."[/color] Henry the 1st spat out with a with the same disgust one might hold for a pile of shit and vomit. [color=steelblue]"I can't believe I'm seriously talking to a fucking ghost. This is so stupid, how do I get out of here?"[/color] Henry the 2nd said as he looked around the room for a door. How the fuck had he forgotten where the door was, why was there NO FUCKING DOOR! [color=crimson]"You can't run from your past son. It always catches up."[/color] Henry the 2nd turned to see a fist heading straight for his face, bashing him through the wall into another room. He shook his head and snarled as he drew the Cheater's Blade, while his father also drew his own Cheater's Blade. It was strange to see it in its original form, his father had always preferred the rapier. After Henry had taken the Blade it turned into a katana, it always matched the form its owner preferred most. [color=crimson]"Look at you, you're a child throwing a temper tantrum, no even worse, you're a rabid dog. Wah wah wah, I got beaten up a bit, my boss doesn't like me, I feel like a useless piece of shit. I'm gonna run away from my problems. Where did I go wrong with you, at least I had the decency to face my problems."[/color] [color=steelblue]"NO YOU DIDN'T YOU JUST THREW MONEY AND BODIES AT THEM UNTIL THEY WENT AWAY!"[/color] Henry the 2nd roared as he charged his father, swinging wildly with his opponent smoothly batting away each strike with his glorified poker. Eventually Henry the 2nd overextended a bit too much on one of his swings and Henry the 1st capitalized, skewering him through the lung. Henry the 1st grinned as he leaned in to Henry the 2nd's face. [color=crimson]"You're pathetic, what kind of Demon of Avarice are you? Giving away your life so easily. If I didn't know any better I would think you an Angel of Charity."[/color] Henry the 1st withdrew his blade from his body and then stuck it in Henry the 2nd's body just as fast, doing so over and over, filling Henry the 2nd with holes. [color=crimson]"You know what your real problem is? You don't have a purpose. You're just fighting because that's what you're supposed to do."[/color] Henry was coughing up blood as his father let him drop to the floor. He raised his blade to Henry's forehead, preparing to stick it through and end his life. This didn't happen last time, he destroyed his father last time. How did he do it last time... [color=crimson]"Goodbye son, hopefully my next child won't be as disappointing as-."[/color] His monologue was interrupted by a black blur tackling him to the floor, it was one of Henry's hellhounds biting and clawing at him to try and kill the fucker who would hurt his master. Not that Henry could see any of this, he was facing the ceiling and bleeding out. He was struggling to get up, his eyes glowed as he tried to fill in his wounds but they weren't filling up. Why would they, he didn't have the Silver Eyes yet. Henry heard a high pitched yelp and a thud, followed by a deep sigh as his father got up. [color=crimson]"Well that was annoying. Now where were we?"[/color] He said as he turned towards Henry the 2nd. Who was pushing himself up with an enraged look on his face. [color=steelblue]"You motherfucker. You can take my dignity, you can take my freedom, you can take my life! But don't you fucking touch my dogs!"[/color] He roared as he egan a mad charge towards his father, tackling him to the ground and smashing his face in with repeated punches. He barely even noticed the rapier impaled in his stomach, he just kept punching and punching with the fury of a man possessed. A Gate of Tartarus formed behind Henry the 1st's head on the floor and Henry the 2nd began to slowly push it in, screaming in pain as he pushed in a living being into a space where living beings were not meant to go. He pushed the whole head in and abruptly closed the Gate, decapitating the memory of a man who he hated more than anyone else. Henry was bleeding all over the floors of the dungeon, he pushed himself up and leaned against the wall, walking forward to somewhere leaving a trail of blood behind him. He eventually found himself at a pier, he also was suddenly without a wall to support himself with so he fell over immediately. The blood loss was getting to him, he pulled a bottle of healing potion out of a Gate but he couldn't get it open, his hands were slick with blood and he could barely keep his eyes open. The bottle fell out of his hands and he scrambled to keep it from rolling into the water. [color=steelblue]"Help. Heeelp. HELP ME! SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!"[/color] It broke his pride to say this, but he didn't want to find out what happens when you die here. There was no guarantee he would respawn in the Nexus rather than a prison cell.