[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/10ZwtN7.jpg[/img][/center] Selvina was still obviously troubled by the entire appearance, but gulped slightly as she looked at the fox. [color=gray]"I ... guess that's better."[/color] The mage let out a sigh before she rubbed the fox-kitten's ears a bit with a little grin and stopping before her hand was ripped off. [color=gray]"Now be a good kitten Sly and follow me to the clothing store."[/color] With that the mage would leave the room, looking behind herself periodically to make sure the cat-fox-shapeshifter was following her. When they arrived to Le Clothe's shop the man simply took a confused look at the familiar as if something was obviously bothering him about seeing this extremely familiar face, but the magierprinz just gave him a look that suggested silence was the best response. [color=gray]"One of your stock uniforms would do nicely. She's probably of a size you are used to. Just make sure there's something loose to put around the neck - no collars or leashes or anything. She's a very modest kitten and is easily embarrassed by any amount of exposed skin."[/color] The man simply gave the pair a look before gathering a few supplies from the store and grabbing a stock uniform off the shelf, casting a couple of spells and returning to them with the uniform in hand. The fox would find Selvina placing the hyper submissive servants's uniform into her hands - with a soft ribbon that could easily be tied into an overly large bow to go loosely around her neck and small pins to keep it in place. [color=gray]"Now go be a good kitty and go change into your uniform for your mistress, Sly."[/color] It was rather obvious that Selvina was enjoying this entire counter-prank as she turned back to the shopkeeper. [color=gray]"As for me I was looking into something nice to wear for the fall festival and perhaps a few more casual clothes appropriate for a lady of my status?"[/color] The exhausted merchant sighed, but the pair of them began to discuss clothing designs for something to wear to the festival. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KDNoPCb.jpg[/img][/center] Maoin was surprised by the sudden charge and a slight panic flowed up within as a response but the training with Lady Sorcha kept it down. As she watched the sword move surprisingly predictably and even slowly towards her the kitten [i]jumped[/i] over it and sent a foot straight towards Luna's face while keeping her sword prepared to parry a return strike. If her kick landed, she hoped it would at least be an uncomfortable experience for the knightess. If her kick missed, she would try to roll back into position and back away once more. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/HuFvrKV.jpg[/img][/center] The crimson haired girl nodded at Livia's explanation and after a couple of seconds seemed to accept the explanation. Fia let out a slight sigh of relief as the final possibility of them somehow being nefarious flew out of the window as she returned to her paperwork for a few moments until she felt like making another comment. [color=salmon]"... sorry for coming in ... messy, yesterday ..."[/color] She had overheard a couple of the maids describe to eachother how immediately after their bath the pair of them had come back in a couple hours later covered in various pieces of the outdoors, herself being dragged back to Livia and leaving no inconsiderable trail of mud behind them. The hydra had simply exhausted her but ... The phoenix looked at the ring on her finger again. It was really pretty, wasn't it? [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/NPEcX6A.png[/img][/center] Meowka frowned slightly. She wasn't moving - she was comfortable. [color=blue]"I'm a prowler of the night! I don't fear a little dust - and besides, I can see everything from up here unlike you, Mistress Katherine. And I have a height advantage over any possible intruders."[/color] The cat seemed proud of her assessment, and the mage would see her show off her collar slightly as she upturned her face in an arrogant manner if she bothered to pay any attention to her pet. [color=blue]"And besides, the dolls can't poke me while I'm up here. So perhaps [i]you[/i] should join me. And feed me."[/color]