[@Double Capybara] Beloved Cappy, [s]a lot[/s] [alright, maybe a lot is too much. Some. Like two or three. Or something.] of my posts were done more as GM responses to player complaints xP Xerxes, in particular, was destroyed because, if memory serves, it was constantly pointed out to me that it was too far ahead given the technological limitation at the time, that aspects were not exactly 'original' etc. etc. I would probably have destroyed it regardless, but it would have been nicer if I could make mention in the destruction post of the fact that Jvan's influence was clear in the place etc. Would have made it more in line with Vowzra's policy - and in retrospect, that is obviously one of the main reasons that drove Vowzra to do it >.> And eh, so far all the Xerxes build-up posts I've been reading incorporate plenty of stuff - Sin interacted with Lazarus, with Illunbar's attempt to influence Xerxes, with Jvan etc. Doesn't seem like the build-up was done without reading others' ICs - I, however, did not read the Sin build-up posts and had not had any plans to interact with Xerxes at the time. It's destruction, as I say, was a GM move made due to player complaints at the time. Edit: Yeah, my PMs with Loki confirm that Xerxes was destroyed to allow others an opportunity to catch up technologically while Sin rebuilds. My explanation of it to you also, Cappy, on page 402 or something.