[@nariata], [@Artymis], [@skwint]: Thanks! Glad to hear it! I had a blast playing through Rise of Domrius; it was one of the best RP's I had ever been in! [@Thecrash20]: Oh yes, one of my favorite pieces of the the original RP (Rise of Domrius) was the combined effort everyone put in! [@conscripts]: Alaric will have a very large, very powerful army. There is absolutely no way the Allied army can defeat his entire force. The Allies know this. They're not here to defeat Alaric entirely, they're on a mission to delay Alaric's invasion for as long as possible; every day they hold the Maw is another day the Western Kingdoms have to prepare a defense. In the original RP (Rise of Domrius) some players withdrew before the end, but others - like myself - decided to stay behind and die fighting. I plan on using a very similar system as [i]Rise of Domrius[/i]. Domrius could have easily sent in his best troops and routed us the first day, but he didn't. There was a reason for this, and it remained a mystery, and I have something similar up my sleeve. You'll [i]remain[/i] in the Maw for as long as Alaric [i]wants[/i] you to remain in the Maw. Alaric will send an army out each day and the Allies must rout or destroy that army; that is a victory. The first time you are defeated will be the only time, as your camp will be overrun the moment the Allied army retreats; the RP will end afterwards. If it doesn't make sense, don't worry to much about it; it worked in Rise of Domrius, I'm sure it'll work here. [b]@Everyone[/b]: As I work five days a week, and am mostly tired or to busy after work, I usually post on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.