"Come Soggy shoe, Quirky turkey off and you to Bone boy" Sen said pointing at the necromancer before dragging him off without nary a word in response. Without pause Sen headed out dragging her impromptu party with her expecting them to keep up with her pace. Completely ignoring others as she marched out the gate of kyoto. "Come we must find the perfect place as to deliver our brand of justice." She said at her party as they reached the gate. Reaching hte gate it was obvious to see why kyoto wasnt swarmed just yet but it was clear to see that theres more than just a few oni heading towards the city gate. Heading out Sen and her group was quickly accosted by what appeared to be scouts they towered over Sen's small frame at nine feet wielding a iron odachi in their hands their red skin covered by a simple black kimono. Meanwhile the other group was accosted by female oni equal in height to most females they were garbed in a red hakama and white top wielding large naginata's that towered over them in height. Pointing the spear end of the weapons towards them they let out a soft growl as they charged forward. With incredible speed easily breaking up the group as it was diverging the attention towards singular targets rather than the party as a whole.