[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/J0jIZBL.png[/img] [h3][color=firebrick]Endian-01[/color][/h3][/center] Entering the portal, Endian was ready for anything. She had produced blades to attack anything on the other side, but there was no immediate threat that she could detect. Soon the other Machina started to arrive and Endian kept her guard up. When the two sisters were attacked by shadowy figures Endian assisted by flinging hardlight blades at the darkness, piercing through them with ease. However Endian was certain that there was worse things here. They haven't even met the other demons or angels yet, so Endian was positive that these shadowy creatures were a creation of this world rather than a poor attempt at attacking the Machina. But of course, there was more to this world than what Endian saw. After dispatching a few of the shadow creatures Endian turned to continue onward but found herself in some sort of forest. She recognized this place; it was a new land the Machina had found and wanted to colonize. As usual, demons and angels were here too. It wasn't long before she turned around again and saw a simple tent with a machina soldier operating a machine. The soldier didn't matter. The Machina did. [color=firebrick]"A flash back to my origins? Am I suppose to be disturbed that whoever here knows about this?"[/color] Endian braced herself for what would happen next, because if she was right around this time there should be an airstrike that kills the soldier and breaks the machine, revealing the blackbox that contained Krieg's soul. But what came wasn't an explosion, but the Destroya Mech. This caught Endian off-guard. The mech opened up with a slavo of missiles that knocked Endian high into the air. While this was unexpected she wasn't frighten at the slightest at the mech's appearance. In fact she was rather excited. [color=firebrick]"I've always wanted to see how I'd fare against my old forms."[/color] And so the two clashed. The fight was short; knowing the ins-and-outs of the Destroya form, Endian was able to outmanuver her old body, destroy vital components on it, and disable the nuclear reactor before it could self-destruct. It was almost pathetic. [color=firebrick]"Is this the best they could do? Throw a few memories at me? What a joke."[/color] Endian said with smug satisfaction. She was about to turn and try to find a way to leave this delusion when the Destroya form opened up it's body compartment. Endian prepared herself for a fight. But she didn't expect what came out. In the back of her mind, deep inside the soul of Krieg, she would never be prepared. It was Jorm. Suddenly memories that Endian never had before started to come to her. Painful memories of battles against Jorm across different dimensions, in different forms. All of them in defeat. Endian began to relive painful memories of attempts at fighting this heaven Spawned monster, from her demonic assimilation at Alt Signia to gathering together a band of "friends", only to see all attempts struck down. Endian didn't even bother to fight this Jorm; instead she fled, as far as she could, until eventually Endian crashed into a wall and found herself just a couple meters near the same place she arrived. No forest, no Destroya Form, and no Jorm. Endian was a machine, albeit with some sort of spirit residing inside of it, yet somehow she had fallen for some sort of illusionary trick. Or perhaps... It wasn't a trick? Endian didn't know and didn't care for it. Better to put those thoughts far, far away. The sooner they killed whoever created this place, the sooner they could leave these delusions behind. Hibiki and Shizuka took point, with Endian right behind them. It wasn't long before they encountered some sort of slime creature attacking what appeared to be a normal, albeit green-haired, girl. Shizuka went right in with fire support from Hibiki. Suddenly some sort of moppet came through and rescured the girl, but that didn't really matter to Endian. Right now she just needed to focus on the fight. Feeling the power surge through her hands Endian decided to test out the suit's new powers right here, right now. Hoping off the ledge Endian dove straight towards the blue slime creature and unleashed a conductive surge from both her hands right towards the blue beast. She wasn't sure what the substance of this creature was, probably not water, but whatever the case may be Endian intended to fry her into a sticky paste on the ground. [color=firebrick]"I don't know what your story is, but you need to die."[/color] Endian said in a low voice as she powered up the charge. [@Lonewolf685][@Ryonara] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/4B27bPA.png[/img] [h3][color=goldenrod]Francisca Labrys Seax Luxuria[/color][/h3][/center] Fran entered the portal along with some of the other demons, however shortly after entering she seemed to have gotten lost. Or maybe she just wandered away, the two aren't mutually exclusive. Her mind wasn't entirely about this battle anyways. Sure, a big ol portal appeared in Hell, and some of Hell's finest warriors went through to investigate. But Fran was hardly their best, and frankly she wasn't here to fight. Just to think. Fran normally wasn't much of a thinking type when she could instead be fucking some poor unfortunate soul, but right now her mind was not in her penis but in her head. She reflected on the sorry state of Hell and it's demons. This wouldn't be the first time demons run amok and Hell itself is... Well, hellish. But Fran did remember a time where things weren't so darn depressive. Certainly, a demon's life is wrought from suffering. One could even say they were born from it. As Fran thought these things she found herself in a burning cityscape. She didn't think anything about it and just thought that this world reflected her mental state. But somehow this place wasn't Hell; far too nice for that. Not nearly enough dead and dying. It wasn't until she got a closer look at the various looters and attackers here that she realized that this wasn't Hell, but a mortal world. And not one in the Nexus; this was from Fran's past life. This part of her was vague and forgotten; Fran barely remembers what life was like when she was a mortal. Best she could remember was that she was a noble or some such and lived very nicely up til her death. And Fran finally remembered what happened when she saw her human self, formerly a man, as he led a brutal execution and kidnapping of various townsfolk. He and his knights were prowling the streets, killing men and kidnapping women and children. A few couldn't keep their excitement to themselves and took a few of the prettier girls off to undisclosed locations to enjoy the spoils of their raid. Where they were then met with a mysterious black-armored swordsman with a huge hunk of iron, who proceeded to butcher them all, Fran included. [color=goldenrod]"Huh. So that's how it happened."[/color] All in all Fran didn't seem too bothered. The fact that she barely remembered what her human life was like just told her that it was ultimately boring and she probably deserved whatever happened to her. As Fran continued to walk through memory lane a few more recent memories popped up. Recent in that they were within her life as a demon; as an ageless immortal in a world where death has no meaning, it was easy for Fran to forget how long she's lived. All she had are memories of better times. She couldn't tell you what the first thing she did when she awoken was, nor could she tell you who the first person she slept with was. But she did remember someone she longed for recently. Her sweet lolita. Memories of their time together faded in and out. She remembered the casual fun they had doing things that weren't entirely demonic related. Small things really. Playing video games. Laughing at jokes. Watching videos. Acting like complete idiots. Fran had many lovers in her long life, and she'll have many more in her future. But this one she had a certain attachment to, and she didn't know why. As she watched these memories fade away before her she spoke to herself. [color=goldenrod]"Maybe... It's because I never said goodbye."[/color] Fran looked up and saw a memory she had with her sweet lolita. It was just after Fran had escaped the Machina. It was a horrible experience to be sure. Granted not the worse Fran's ever been into, but it was fairly boring all things considered. Still what made this memory sweet was how her dearest consoled her even though Fran was just a pitiful excuse of a succubus. More memories started to block her way. Memories of other demons Fran didn't like, that she got into fights with. With people who annoyed her. Demons who were too haughty and looked down at her weakness, or thought that she was too perverted to be a real demon. Angels and Machina who beaten her in the past and don't even consider her a true warrior. And worse of all, hundreds and thousands of demons who just ignored Fran when she was alone. Desperate for love and attention she'd whore herself out to whoever would listen to her whispers. She'd feign kindness and interest, showering others with compliments and wealth, and behind closed doors she'd gossip with other demons about how cunning she was and how easy she could manipulate fools. But the truth of it was that she was just a sad, little slut who wanted friends. She'd do anything for anyone who's give her the time of day. And this Sweet Lolita, she gave her that attention. And now it was gone. [color=goldenrod]"I never... Got to say goodbye. I never wanted to. I'm not that strong. I'm not that smart. I'm a liar and a pretender... I only want people to like me for what I don't have. So eager to please, so dogged for praise and affection."[/color] Soon the landscape changed into some sort of cave structure. Fran wasn't sure if this was still a hallucination or the real place. Perhaps it didn't matter. [color=goldenrod]"Of all the people I knew, you were never my enemy. I cherished you, even when we fought. But you vanished... Or maybe we just drifted apart. Maybe I left you. But... No. I wouldn't leave you. I didn't. Because I never got to say goodbye..."[/color] The world around Fran changed again, this time back to her room in hell. That small, square room, where only Rufus's old and musty throne sat. Her dorm given to her by the callous leaders in hell. Barely enough space to even lay down, even without Rufus's giant chair. But the emptiness of this room wasn't the same as the emptiness Fran felt when she opened the door and saw no one outside. No one to greet Fran after she awoken from death. Even when she went to the throne room to meet the new leaders, she did not feel even a hint of interest, not even dissatisfaction towards the succubus. It was like Fran didn't even exist. Because Fran didn't matter. A voice broke Fran out of her trance. A familiar voice calling for help. Fran was too distracted to have been able to make out who that voice belonged to, but it removed Fran from her negative thoughts. Not wanting to dwell on these lingering feeling she sought the voice out, not caring if it was friend or foe. Anything was better than to remember her place in this world. The cruel, unfeeling apathy the Nexus had for not just demons, but for anyone within it. [color=goldenrod]"I wish Suparna was with me..."[/color] [@floodtalon]