Hello, I saw your interest check. There was a lot of very interesting ideas there. A bit about me: -long time role player -play female as my primary typically but double up as plot dictates. -prefer good plot and interesting characters to quick one shots -prefer small group or 1x1's -enjoy in depth plots that can go on for a while -no limit in terms of violence, sex, gore, etc however prefer them not to be gratuitous. More than happy to have characters have sex if it makes sense. -prefer pm or email to forum but flexible in partners preferred choice -reply as often as I can but I am good with any pace be it everyday or once a week. -talker. I like to have OOC conversations as well as IC with my partners. Communication is a good thing. Looking for a good long term plot with well developed characters. Longest partner was for over three years until they simply disappeared. You have lots of ideas that intrigued me. I like a variety of genres/styles and willing to discuss pretty much any of your plot ideas or come up with a new one as well. I also have a few. I am interested in all the things on your list so would love to start talking plot and character ideas with you. Cheers, Skulls