With the soothing warmth of Daisy's presence and the magic flowing into Yvah's rapidly closing wounds, the rogue's eyes flicked open with a burning flash of anger. With a motion, Yvah swatted the emptied vial to shatter across the floor and swung her body around. She scrambled to her feet and snatched up her staff. Shoving Daisy aside, Yvah slid around the drake's position. Clutching her staff in both palms, she heaved her body around to prepare for her strike, the weapon swinging in an upward snap and colliding with the drake's underbelly. The scales crunched and the skeleton underneath buckled at the impact and with an adolescent yelp, the drake lifelessly flailed in the air. The follow-through had Yvah's staff in her off hand. As she saw the drake begin to plummet, she stepped one foot forward into a widened stance and followed it with a punch that sent the tiny draconoid flying sideward. Yvah's staff clattered to the ground as she leaped at the thing, foot lodging itself squarely into the drake's neck. [hider=Things and stuff and lotsa hot-blooded murder] Moved to a diametric flank of the drake, gaining advantage and sneak attack. The drake dies after scoring a [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/3397]nat20[/url] to baseball swing at it with the quarterstaff for [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/3400]17[/url] bludgeoning damage.[/hider]