[hr][hr] [center][color=D9E0F9][h1]Tiffany Lyle[/h1][/color] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ly3gww1x901qa0o0mo1_500.gif[/img] [i]Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> Building B(1) (Franklin Wall Beni & Peaches' Apartment) [/I][/center] [hr][hr] Tiffany waited for Ray to put his plate away, carefully watching him in case they had another repeat of him falling. Thankfully, he managed just fine. Ray suggested they go talk to Lyon and Beni and the other Franklin people first and that was a good idea. They knew Sana pretty well and should be made aware of her passing. [color=D9E0F9]"That's a good idea. We'll make our way there first and spread the word. If anything, we can find one or two of them and I guarantee they'll get the word spread just as quickly."[/color] She locked arms with Ray as she walked. Mostly due to the fact she cared for him (but she would be lying if she didn't feel a tiny bit guilty still from having him fall during the reception). As they exited, Ray asked how she was feeling. If she were being honest, she was messed up inside. The world was different now and deaths were the norm now, but it never took the feeling away. Despite whatever feelings she had for the three that passed, they were still part of this community. [color=D9E0F9]"I'm upset, but I guess we deal with this so much that it's hard to show it. Normally, a death of someone close to you results in that sinking feeling in your stomach, crying, wanting to be alone and all that, but that's not how the world works anymore. We can grieve and feel sorry, but life moves on. It moves faster now too with the added threat of the walkers outside. It's like my body is telling me that I can grieve, but to do it quickly. I don't know. I'm also worried for James. He's going out alone, regardless if he'll be armed and prepared. It's going to be dangerous out there. I wish he didn't have to go."[/color] Tiffany knew the rules along with the others. Sad as it was, she figured Ash couldn't cave now, no matter how close he was to James. If he showed favoritism, that could put the morale of the town down. She couldn't imagine what he was going through. So she stood there and waited outside the door, prepared to spread the news. To think the other night they were dancing, drinking, and having a good time. Life sure liked to play games.