[center][u][b]Spectral Corp[/b][/u][/center] [center][img]http://www.crisiscleaning.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Death-and-Crime-Scene-Cleanup-Missouri-Crisis-Cleaning-Inc.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Overview[/b] Your character is a medium, a person capable of influencing the spiritual world due to a connection with death you developed at an early age. In particular, your character is a licensed exorcist, a medium given an official license from the multi-national organization SEO in order to protect the public from ghostly harm. Your duty is to maintain order in the spiritual world, help law enforcer with your ability to contact the dead, and bring rogue mediums to justice. The gameplay cycle involves the characters within their headquarters, a mission, and repeat giving elements of both some slice of life and some adventure in abandoned factories or cemeteries. Below is additional information Looking for 4-7 players. [u][b]LORE[/b][/u] [hider=Mediums] Mediums are people who have been around death from a very young age, becoming bonded with death and gaining the ability to see beyond the veil. The event that causes one to become bonded with death is called the MIE (Medium-Inducing Experience). Most MIE occur before a person reaches the age of two, however MIEs have been observed from up to the age of five. However, the occurrence of MIE does not make one a medium, it merely gives them the opportunity to become a medium, and not everyone who has been around death from a young age experiences a MIE. Usually, the person who dies needs to be close to medium-to-be either by blood or constant interaction. However, it is not uncommon for MIEs to occurred when many people die at a single event. Once a person has had an MIE, they are call death-bounded. All mediums are death-bound, but not all death-bound are mediums. Death-bounds have a slight capacity to see beyond the veil, but usually in a very limited sense, having the ability to occasionally hear whispers of ghosts or see sometimes seeing blurs left behind by a soul. A death-bounded person becomes a medium when they reach beyond the veil. This can occur intentional or accidental, however the experience is almost universally considered a life-changing experience. Some find it euphoric, while others find it traumatizing. Reaching beyond the veil is something that all death-bounds and mediums are able to do potentially, however to do it intentionally requires a strong force of will, and reaching beyond the veil leaves scars on one’s soul. Reaching beyond the veil can occur accidentally whenever a medium crosses a point where the veil between life and death is particularly weak. All Mediums are capable of easily seeing ghosts and have at least some form of communication with them. However, a medium can refine their talents to control ghosts, see the souls of the living and the trances of a person’s soul on objects, and even invoke minor supernatural powers such as enough telekinesis to move a object no larger than an apple. [/hider] [hider=Ghosts] Ghosts are the souls of the dead that have not completely passed beyond the veil. Ghosts are actually natural and for the most part harmless, and to completely banish a ghost to the other side of the veil requires a ton of effort. In order to remain within the mortal realm, ghosts require an anchor. An anchor is any inorganic or dead object that a soul has a strong connection to. To completely disassociate a ghost with its anchor is one of the hardest things a medium can attempt to do. All most all ghosts have their dead body as an anchor, cremation reduces the link between the ghost and the anchor, however the ashes are still an anchor, albeit a weaker one. Crematoriums are infamous for how haunted they can be, to the point where they can be more haunted than graveyards. However, ghosts are not invulnerable. A medium are able to use their link with the veil in order to communicate or try to force a ghost beyond the veil. However, trying to push an unweakened ghost beyond the veil is very hard, and gives the possibility for them to return. Ghosts have particular earthly weaknesses besides the medium, commonly used ones include but are not limited to: Salt: Ghosts are unable to cross lines of salt, and when they make contact with salt they are pushed back and usually harmed. The high purity of the salt the more potent it is. Iodized salt is very weak, whereas rock salt is very potent. Holy Water: A term given to pure H2O. Holy water is noted for its ability to remove spiritual energy. The H2O does not have to perfectly pure, but the more pure the more potent. Specialized filters must be used in the creation of holy water (from normal water) that are very large and expensive. Silver: Silver is not particularly effective against ghosts, however it is the metal of choice of most exorcist. It is particularly resistant to ghostly interference. Common Sage/Rosemary: Commonly used as incense to ward off ghosts or help in rituals. Holly/Willow/Birch: The wood of a holy acts much like silver, and it is also used to create incenses. Graveyard Dust: Dirt taken from a graveyard, highly illegal, but works similar to salt, if not more potent, and is often used in cursing rituals. When Mediums die, they do not naturally leave behind ghosts. A medium has became bond to the veil, and when they die, its call is impossible to resist. It is possible to create a method to leave behind a ghost, however all such methods are highly illegal. [/hider] [hider=SEO] The SEO (Spectral Energy Organization) is a multi-governmental agency with representatives from the US, Canada, Brazil, Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Australia and South Korea. Often called Spec Corp as a somewhat derogatory term referring to its highly bureaucratic nature. The SEO licenses all official exorcists. Unlicensed exorcism is highly illegal. The SEO has multiple tiers of licenses that they provide, each with their own privileges and duties: Bronze: They are grunt-workers performing the menial tasks such as purifying water into holy water, setting up the equipment, filing information, etc. However, they are permitted to perform low-level exorcisms and seances. Iron: They are elevated above bronze tier, but are still limited in the the functions they are allowed to perform. They are allowed to perform most types of common exorcisms and seances, and some more advanced versions. Silver: The primary force of the SEO. They are permitted to perform almost any type of exorcism or seance barring only the most advanced forms of both or ones that are universally illegal. They are tasked with handling most request by the public and doing periodic inspections of common ghost-haunts. Gold: Those with a gold license are officially apart of the SEO, and act as coordinators and leaders for silver and bronze licensed exorcists. Platinium: A higher leadership position than gold. Platinum exorcist often oversees multiple gold exorcists. Diamond: A higher leadership position than platinum. They oversee multiple platinium exorcists. They are right below the Central Authority. Inspector: Inspectors are considered just below Diamond, and report directly to them. They handle internal affairs and former SEO gone rogue exorcists. Central Authority: The highest tier within the SEO. They are not given lincesed, but appointed by the governments that compose the SEO. They are selected from the pool of Inspectors and Diamond tier [/hider] [hider=Beyond the Veil] No one is quite sure what is behind the veil that separates our world from the next, and the SEO has no official statement about that. However, whatever knows about the veil is that there is a lot of power there. Ghosts are changed by what is beyond the veil. They are not quite what they are like in life, though not completely different either. However, to a medium, the soul of a ghost is very distinctive due to radiating energy from the veil. The first time a death-bound reaches beyond the veil to become a medium is when embrace with this power, and become not quite human anymore. [/hider] [hider=March 6, 1997] On this date, a group of medium terrorist known as, “The Hallowed Court” broke away from the SEO and unleashed many dangerous ghosts keep in containment, and attempted but failed to destroyed the Independence Hall. This event is used by the SEO as justification for stricter rules about the conduit of mediums. [/hider]